Bullfinch couple, common terns and lapwings

This is a Eurasian bullfinch video from Sweden.

Today, there was a bullfinch couple at the Muggenbult viewpoint in the Naardermeer nature reserve.

And a blackcap singing.

Also at the Muggenbult: sedge warbler. And reed warbler (audible, but hidden in the reedbed). Reed bunting. House sparrows. Common tern. Nesting black-headed gulls. Great cormorants. A mute swan.

Not far from the Muggenbult: northern lapwings in a mating season flight. A buzzard flying. A white wagtail scurrying in the mud.

A swift drank from a ditch while flying near the Naardermeer visitors’ centre. Also near the visitors’ centre: a stonechat.

Barn swallows flying. Dragonflies flying as well.

1 thought on “Bullfinch couple, common terns and lapwings

  1. Pingback: Cetti’s warbler, house martins and butterfly | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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