Sleepy elephants in Kenya

This 24 March 2020 video from Kenya says about itself:

These calves and adult elephants from the ‘Winds’ herd show us just how they like their midday naps in Samburu National Reserve. Some prefer standing, others like to snuggle up, and then, of course, there are those who eventually give in to the wave of sleep after a delicate balancing act! Footage: Alfred Ngachi / Save the Elephants.

3 thoughts on “Sleepy elephants in Kenya

  1. Pingback: Elephants protect their babies from wild dogs | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Sleepy elephants in Kenya — Dear Kitty. Some blog – Truth Troubles

  3. Pingback: Sleepy elephants in Kenya — Dear Kitty. Some blog – SAMUEL NJAGI NGARI (ENVIRONMENTALIST)

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