Coronavirus latest news

This 2020 video from the USA says about itself:

Senator Bernie Sanders criticizes President Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus during a campaign event near Detroit (March 9)

The spread of the coronavirus in the United States is rapidly developing into a social and economic catastrophe. The extent of the impact, including the possibility for an enormous loss of life, will emerge in the coming weeks. Already, however, the virus has exposed the consequences of the criminal level of neglect on the part of the ruling elite: here.

US nurses decry lack of planning and communication, equipment shortages in midst of COVID-19 spread. “I have a friend who just started working at Harlem Hospital and they are being told to reuse masks”: here.

Educators speak out on threat of coronavirus in US schools: here.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo declared a state of emergency Tuesday and deployed the National Guard to New Rochelle, the suburb of New York City which now has the largest concentration of novel coronavirus cases in the United States, to enforce a “containment area”: here.

Italy emerging as the new epicenter for the Covid-19 pandemic: here.

Thousands fell ill with coronavirus and hundreds died yesterday in Europe as the pandemic kept surging across the continent. As Italy—the epicenter of the pandemic in Europe—went into a nationwide lockdown aiming to halt the spread, regional quarantines were imposed in Spain, Greece, France and Germany, while the disease also tore through Scandinavia and entered into the Balkans: here.

Christine Assange, the mother of WikiLeaks’ publisher, Julian Assange, has warned that her son’s life is at heightened risk due to the danger he could contract the coronavirus infection in Britain’s Belmarsh Prison. After almost a decade of arbitrary-detention and the refusal of the authorities to provide him with adequate medical care, his immune system is severely compromised: here.

Spain puts Madrid, Basque country on lockdown as coronavirus cases multiply: here.

US sanctions on Iran turn coronavirus into a catastrophe: here.

Negligent Australian government response threatens widespread Covid-19 infection: here.

4 thoughts on “Coronavirus latest news

  1. Pingback: Pentagon covering up US soldiers with coronavirus | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Coronavirus news today | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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