Blogger Recognition Award, thank you Ospreyshire!

Blogger Recognition Award

My blogging friend Ospreyshire of Ospreyhire’s Realm blog has nominated Dear Kitty. Some blog for the Blogger Recognition Award.

Thank you so much for this kind gesture!

The rules of this award are:

1. Post an image of the award.

2. Thank your nominator.

3. Give the story or history of your blog.

4. Give two or more pieces of advice for new bloggers.

5. Nominate 10 other bloggers and link to their blogs.

6. Comment on their blogs so they know of their nomination.

A brief description of my blog is here. It started in 2005 on ModBlog. However, ModBlog was sold to a big corporation which deleted it. So, after having been on Blogsome, which was deleted as well, I am on WordPress since the end of 2011.

Two pieces of advice for new bloggers are:

1. Especially in older blog posts, you may check whether links have become broken, and repair them. There is a tool for that, Xenu’s Link Sleuth, downloadable here.

2. Use categories and tags for your blog posts, making it easier for yourself, yout readers, search engines etc. to find related posts. Not too many categories and tags per blog post though; it seems that for WordPress over 12 is too many.

My ten nominees are:

1. A Little Haze Book Blog

2. dinipandareads

3. Chapter Malliumpkin

4. Marshmellow Pastel

5. Willow Writes And Reads

6. AfictionReality

7. Local Bee Hunter’s Little Nook

8. It Is What It Is

9. Bookmark Your Thoughts

10. Maggie B. Reads

20 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award, thank you Ospreyshire!

  1. Pingback: Overwhelmed And Weekend Plans – Willow Writes And Reads

  2. Pingback: Blogger Recognition Award – Willow Writes And Reads

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