Tufted ducks, blackbird and woodpecker

This June 2018 4K Cinematic Drone Video is about the Schoorlse Duinen nature reserve.

After 21 January 2020 there, we were also in the Schoorlse Duinen on 22 January.

This time, not to the North Sea, but to small lakes in the interior.

A great tit calling.

As we walked, a great spotted woodpecker. And a nuthatch on a mossy tree.

A jay calls.

A blackbird. A blue tit.

This 2011 video is about a lake in the Schoorlse Duinen.

We reach a lake where 11 tufted ducks sometimes sleep, sometimes dive. Coots in this lake dived more often.

On the footpath, a robin.

A kestrel flies past.

In the next lake, two tufted ducks, a coot and a moorhen.

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