Hillary Clinton smears Bernie Sanders, helping Trump

This 21 January 2020 video about the United States presidential election says about itself:

Nobody Likes Him“: Hillary Clinton spreads more lies about Bernie Sanders

Earlier today, Hillary Clinton did an interview where she said that Bernie Sanders “was in Congress for years. He had one senator support him. Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. … It’s all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it.” Clinton also would not commit to endorsing Bernie Sanders if he wins the Democratic nomination: “I’m not going to go there yet.”

She also smeared Bernie Sanders with the Bernie Bro myth, and lied about how Bernie Sanders is attacking Elizabeth Warren, when the exact opposite is true.

All of this is based on lies; Bernie did 41 events for Hillary, Bernie is among the most popular politicians in the United States, and Bernie is supported by millions of regular Americans. All this shows is that Hillary still blames Bernie for her failures, and fails to see why regular people are buying into Bernie’s message .

‘I Like Bernie’ hashtag trends after Clinton criticizes Sanders: here.

‘Inexcusable’: Hillary Clinton, Who Lost to Trump in 2016, Won’t Commit to Helping Bernie Sanders Win in 2020: here.

What will Ms Clinton do if Bernie Sanders will win the nomination? Found a ‘Democrats for TrumpSuper PAC funded by fossil fuel billionaires?

Top Democratic officials and Democratic-aligned media outlets are engaged in a coordinated offensive against the campaign of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. In an extraordinary interview published Tuesday, the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, denounced Sanders and refused to commit herself to support Sanders if he wins the Democratic presidential nomination this year: here.

18 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton smears Bernie Sanders, helping Trump

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