Arizona, USA ants decapitate their queen

This 4 November 2019 video, recorded in Arizona, USA says about itself:

Bloodthirsty Ants Decapitate Queen | Empire Of The Desert Ants | BBC Earth

As the colony matures, the original Queen seizes an opportunity to manipulate her political rivals. She initiates a vicious and deadly coup, wiping out the competition both outside and inside the nest.

An ant the size of a lion isn’t as far-fetched as you would think. From as small as a sesame seed to the size of a big cat, ants come in all sizes — in augmented reality, at least. Augmented reality provides an interactive experience of the ‘real world’ with the help of computer-generated images viewed through a screen. It’s a technology often used in videogames to meld computer-generated images with reality. Now researchers in the Biodiversity and Biocomplexity Unit at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) have used this high tech approach to create the first ever augmented reality experience that pairs with a taxonomic research paper. The research, published in Insect Systematics and Diversity, presents six new species of Strumigenys ants, also known as miniature trap-jaw ants, from Fiji: here.

Through early adulthood, exposure to new experiences — like learning to drive a car or memorizing information for an exam — triggers change in the human brain, re-wiring neural pathways to imprint memories and modify behavior. Similar to humans, the behavior of Florida carpenter ants is not set in stone — their roles, whether it is protecting the colony or foraging for food, are determined by signals from the physical and social environment early in their life. But questions remain about how long they are vulnerable to epigenetic changes and what pathways govern social behavior in ants: here.

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