Big anti-racism march in Berlin, Germany

This video is about the big anti-racism march in Berlin, Germany today.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV today:

Big turnout at anti-racism protest Berlin

In the center of Berlin a large group of people demonstrated against racism. According to the organizers, including Amnesty International, there were about 240,000 people on the march, many more than expected. 40,000 people had signed up. The police speak of a “six-digit number”. According to German media, it is one of the biggest protests against racism in recent years.

The manifestation called “Unteilbar” started at Alexanderplatz square and led to Tiergarten via the Brandenburg Gate. Various artists performed there. The demonstrators demonstrated against xenophobia and the extreme right. Banners were carried with texts like “United against racism” and “Build no walls but bridges”.

The protest was supported by the SPD and the Green parties. The CDU of Chancellor Merkel did not support it, because one of the organizers supposedly had extreme left-wing sympathies.

The action is a response to the anti-immigration protests that have been held in a number of cities in recent months. Amongst others supporters of the right-wing … party Alternative für Deutschland and the anti-Islam movement Pegida participated.

This tweet is by a Left Party MP, participant in the anti-racism demonstration. Nazis burned his car down.

3 thoughts on “Big anti-racism march in Berlin, Germany

  1. Pingback: Enormous anti-racist demonstration in Berlin, Germany | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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