US Murdoch muppet Hannity’s stupid attack on Ocasio-Cortez

This 28 June 2018 video from the USA is called Clueless [Rupert Murdoch Fox News mouthpiece Sean] Hannity Attacks [Alexandria] Ocasio-Cortez [who just won a New York City primary election by beating a Clintonite corporate Democrat politician] By Citing Her Awesome Policies.

DROP-OFF VOTERS DIDN’T DROP OFF Data on the New York Democratic congressional primary win for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suggests she was propelled to victory by the district’s gentrifying neighborhoods. [The Intercept]

LEFT SHOCKER IN BOSTON Boston City Council member Ayanna Pressley beat 10-term incumbent Rep. Michael Capuano (D-Mass.) to win the Democratic nomination for Massachusetts’ 7th Congressional District. Building on progressive momentum sparked by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in New York this summer, Pressley is likely to become her state’s first black congresswoman. [HuffPost] [Tweet | Share on Facebook]

HANNITY: BLAME DEMS Sean Hannity, the Fox TV entertainer and White House glove puppet, suggested that Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) was somehow responsible for a shooting at the Capital Gazette earlier in the day. Online, members of the far-right, who bathe daily in the anti-media froth peddled by propagandists such as Hannity, celebrated the deaths of the five journalists gunned down in Annapolis. [HuffPost]

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) has canceled events in Alabama and Texas scheduled for this weekend due to a “very serious death threats”.

‘I COULDN’T GIVE A…’ A Capital Gazette reporter responded to Trump’s tweet offering thoughts and prayers for the victims, telling CNN live on air: “I couldn’t give a f**k” about your prayers. Here are details of the five victims who lost their lives. [HuffPost]

TRUMP REFUSES FLAG REQUEST Trump has declined a request from the mayor of Annapolis that he order U.S. flags be flown at half-staff to honor the five newspaper employees shot dead in Maryland last week. [HuffPost]

32 thoughts on “US Murdoch muppet Hannity’s stupid attack on Ocasio-Cortez

  1. Pingback: Big United States opposition to Trump’s xenophobia | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Deputy DA Michael Selyem on Rep. Maxine Waters:

    “Being a loud-mouth c— in the ghetto you would think someone would have shot this b—- by now.”

    Sign our petition: Fire him. NOW.

    Dear Linda,

    I’ve worked in politics for a little while now. And working with Black and POC candidates, I’m no stranger to comments (and even entire campaigns) dripping with racism and hate.

    But even with my experience, sometimes the sheer vileness of their words surprises me.

    A public official in San Bernardino County, Deputy District Attorney Michael Selyem, just went after Congresswoman Maxine Waters for her vocal resistance to Trump:

    “Being a loud-mouth c— in the ghetto you would think someone would have shot this b—- by now.”

    I hardly have the words. This is a racist, disgusting, and hateful attack on one of the most visible Black leaders in America. We cannot let this stand — we have to send a message that racism is unacceptable, particularly in those who serve the public.

    That’s why we’ve put together a petition standing with Congresswoman Waters: sign now to tell San Bernardino County to fire their racist Deputy DA.

    Thanks for speaking up,

    Quentin James

    Paid for by The Collective; not authorized by any candidate or any candidate’s committee.

    The Collective
    2101 L St NW
    Suite 800
    Washington DC 20037 United States


  3. Pingback: Capitalism, socialism and the New York Times | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Last night, we once again shocked the political world and the entire Democratic establishment. Ayanna Pressley won her primary against Mike Capuano.

    In a seat once held by John F. Kennedy, Ayanna carries that progressive torch as the first woman of color to head to Congress from Massachusetts. And the voters of Massachusetts’ 7th agreed with her message: change can’t wait.

    Our work at The Collective PAC to help Black progressives all across the country is making these victories possible. We’ve seen this is possible in Florida with the nomination of Andrew Gillum and Georgia’s Stacey Abrams. These shocking and historic victories echo Ayanna Pressley’s message that change cannot wait.


  5. The political revolution just swept out the most undemocratic state legislative body in the country. Nearly three times as many people voted in the Democratic primary as in 2014 and in deep blue New York, establishment Democrats who caucused with Republicans in the Independent Democratic Conference (IDC) were ousted in a wave that will propel five Our Revolution-endorsed state senators to Albany.

    This revolution is happening all across the country. Candidates like Ben Jealous in Maryland, Stacey Abrams in Georgia, Andrew Gillum in Florida, and Paulette Jordan in Idaho, are running to flip their governors’ mansions, while Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Sara Innamorato, Summer Lee, and Elizabeth Fiedler triumphed over establishment Democrats to champion authentic, progressive visions for their communities in Congress and state legislatures.

    Nina Turner, Our Revolution


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