Cheetahs versus rhino, video

This video from Africa says about itself:

Curious Cheetah cubs take on a Rhino – Natural World: Cheetahs Fast Track To Freedom – BBC Earth

24 January 2018

This Rhino is not having any of these curious Cheetah cubs nonsense.

The world’s fastest land animal, the cheetah, is a successful hunter not only because it is quick, but also because it can hold an incredibly still gaze while pursuing prey. For the first time, researchers have investigated the cheetah’s extraordinary sensory abilities by analyzing the speedy animal’s inner ear, an organ that is essential for maintaining body balance and adapting head posture during movement in most vertebrates: here.

Cheetahs in the Serengeti National Park adopt different strategies while eating to deal with threats from top predators such as lions or hyenas. A new study shows that male cheetahs and single females eat their prey as quickly as possible. Mothers with cubs, on the other hand, watch out for possible threats while their young are eating in order to give them enough time to eat their fill: here.

5 thoughts on “Cheetahs versus rhino, video

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