Ring-tailed lemurs of Madagascar

This video says about itself:

25 December 2017

In Madagascar, a small piece of rainforest holds an inspiring conservation story. See how a group of local people have banded together to protect the island’s much-loved ring-tailed lemur in this short film by Robin Hoskyns.

A ring-tailed lemur named Sefo became an internet sensation in 2016 when a video of him demanding back scratches from two boys was viewed 20 million times in a week. Now, a new study of Twitter activity shows that viral videos of seemingly cuddly endangered animals can have a dark side too — by fueling demand for them as pets: here.

For lemurs, size of forest fragments may be more important than degree of isolation. Occurrence of these endangered primates rises with patch size, but is mixed for patch connectivity: here.

Widespread logging and hunting have endangered virtually all of Madagascar’s 100-plus species of iconic lemurs, and a new study by ecologists illustrates how saving the animals may also be key to saving the island’s largest trees: here.

7 thoughts on “Ring-tailed lemurs of Madagascar

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