16th century silver coins discovery

One of the recently discovered 16th century coins, photo by Fleur Schinning, Archeologie West-Friesland

Translated from Dutch NOS TV:

Silver treasure from sixteenth century found in West-Friesland region

Today, 12:21

On a field in West Friesland almost ninety silver coins from the sixteenth century have been found. Three archaeologists made the extraordinary discovery at Westwoud town using metal detectors.

The coins date from the period 1542-1571 and almost all have a picture of the Spanish King Philip II. They will be exhibited from tomorrow on in the West Frisian Museum. …

According to the Westfries museum it is over a hundred years ago that such a find was made in the region. The museum has investigated and cleaned up most of the coins.


The finders are amateur archaeologists, who came with their metal detectors. Thus they can find coins to about 30 centimeter in the ground.

Two archaeologists have loaned the coins for two years to the West Frisian Museum. The third finder sold his find to the museum in Hoorn.

See also here.

Let us hope this time these coins won’t be stolen by the Ukrainian neofascist Svoboda party and the Ukrainian secret police, like happened with seventeenth century silverware and paintings of the Westfries Museum.

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