Dutch minister in drug crime scandal

Fred Teeven

Translated from NOS TV in the Netherlands:

Teeven involved in money laundering operation

Update: Tuesday 11 Mar 2014, 19:59

[Dutch government] Secretary [of Justice] Teeven has signed a deal for laundering more than five million guilders of drug criminal Cees H., in 2000, when he was a prosecutor, Nieuwsuur reports.

The money was hidden in Luxembourg. Through a settlement of deprivation H. paid 750,000 guilders to the State. But the rest of the settlement shows that after this actually money was laundered for H.

The Tax Office was not informed about this, that was part of the settlement. What was the benefit for the State to launder more than five million guilders in exchange for 750,000 guilders is not clear.

Fred Teeven is a member of the VVD, the biggest party in the Dutch government coalition.

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