Five bald eagle webcams on the Internet

This video is called Bald Eagle catches salmon.

From National Geographic:

Five Bald Eagle Cams to Watch Now

Watch as adults defend eggs, eaglets hatch, and young eagles take first flights.

By Brad Scriber

March 6, 2014

Forty years ago the bald eagle was in danger of extinction throughout North America, but today the iconic U.S. emblem is an environmental success story. In addition, a handful of these rebounding raptors have become Internet celebrities, appearing on live streaming webcams across the country that allow anyone an up-close look into their giant nests.

The 2014 nesting season is at its peak, so now is the perfect time to watch eaglets hatch in the more northern regions and to see young eagles in the south test their wings on their first flights.

The adult birds often return to the same nests year after year, and lay up to three eggs, which hatch after about five weeks. Adults care for the growing eaglets for several months until the young take their first flight. Fledglings stay in or near the nest for an additional month or so.

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10 thoughts on “Five bald eagle webcams on the Internet

  1. These are the BEST! I followed one last year and it was amazing to see the parents take turns sitting on the eggs, the eggs hatching and the eaglets start to move, be fed by the adults, grow, learn to fly, etc. Amazing birds’ eye view of nature!


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