Tunisian graffiti artists persecuted

This video says about itself:

Calligraffiti in Thala, Tunisia, made by the graffer Meen One. More about Graffiti in Tunisia: http://www.wled-el-banlieue.com/

This video from Tunisia is called #free zwewla.

From Magharebia:

Graffiti Artists Face Trial in Tunisia

4 December 2012

The trial of two Tunisian graffiti artists begins Wednesday (December 5th), Tunisia Live reported.

Oussama Bouagila and Chahine Berriche, students and members of activist street-art group “Zwelwa” [sic; Zwewla], were arrested November 3rd in Gabes for writing on a wall: “the people want rights for the poor.” They were charged with defying the state of emergency, writing on government property and spreading messages that disturbed the public order.

Attorney Bochra Haj Hmida said that the students were being targeted for their socio-political message.

Meanwhile, Tunisia Live reports:

5 December 2012

The trial of two Tunisian graffiti artists arrested last month in the industrial town of Gabes will be postponed until January 23, 2013.

Oussama Bouagila and Chahine Berriche were arrested on November 3 as they wrote on a wall: “the people want rights for the poor.” The defendants are charged with defying the state of emergency, writing on government property, and spreading messages that disturb the public order.

Bochra Haj Hmida, a member of the artists’ legal team, said the two students can face up to five years in prison.

The defendants are members of the activist street-art group Zwelwa, meaning “the poor” in Tunisian Arabic, which aims to address poverty and other social issues through graffiti.

Oussama Bougila said the case would not deter the group from their goals. “I will not give up resistance, and I will continue to do graffiti since it is my only way to transmit my voice and my demands.”

4 thoughts on “Tunisian graffiti artists persecuted

    • Hi artisticmilestone, I would say the persecution is bad, but the solidarity movement to free the artists is good. The Tunisian people are not giving up the fight for democracy.


  1. Islamists protest against strike

    Sunday 09 December 2012

    by James Rodie

    Tens of thousands of hard-line Islamists demonstrated across Tunisia at the weekend to protest against a planned general strike.

    Hundreds demonstrated in Tunis outside the former headquarters of the RCD Party of toppled president Ben Ali.

    The National League for the Protection of the Revolution supporters called for the dissolution of Tunisian General Labour Union (UGTT) which they say is trying to derail the country’s progress.

    The 500,000-strong union has been a key figure opposing the moderate Islamist Ennahda party’s lack of social and economic progress.

    Relations between the government and union have become increasingly fraught in recent weeks.

    Government supporters armed with knives and sticks attacked a march last week to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the assassination of UGTT founder Farhat Hached.

    Following that the union called for a general strike for December 13 demanding that authorities bring the perpetrators of the violence to justice.

    It also filed a complaint with the International Labour Organisation raising concerns about the increasing violence towards civil society bodies.

    Thursday’s industrial action will be the third national general strike in the UGTT’s history, the previous one came just two days before the fall of Ali’s regime.

    Four regional branches of the union held general strikes last week, including in Sidi Bouzid, the birthplace of the so-called Arab Spring.

    Ennahdha called on Tunisians not to protest to avoid an escalation of tensions.



  2. Pingback: 15 years jail for graffiti art in Detroit, USA? | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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