Bahraini human rights violations

This video is called Christiane Amanpour’s interview with Dr. Nabeel Hameed on Bahrain medics trials.

Human rights violations of migrant workers in Bahrain: here.

Bahrain: 15-year-old children detained for over 2 months without a trial: here.

Bahraini court refuses to free human rights activist Nabeel Rajab: here.

Bahrain: rights groups protest as court rejects Rajab appeal: here.

With New Trade Agreement, U.S. Throws Bahraini People Under the Bus: here.

3 thoughts on “Bahraini human rights violations

  1. Pingback: Bahraini human rights violations | Dear Kitty. Some blog | Bahrain news |

  2. Bahrain plans action against medics

    / 8 October 2012

    Medics who have been acquitted by a Bahrain court in a case relating to the occupation of a public hospital last year would have to face disciplinary action by the health ministry.

    Chairman of the Civil Service Bureau, Ahmed Al Zayed, told the Press on Sunday that the court’s decision to dismiss charges against these medics would not affect the right of the government to take action against them if they prove to commit work-related violations.

    The disciplinary action would be decided by a committee which would be formed according to the rules of the Civil Service Bureau.

    The court acquitted nine medics early this year, while it upheld last month’s convictions of nine medics involved in the illegal occupation of Salmaniya Medical Complex for a month in February-March last year. One of the medics received a five-year prison sentence, another a three-year while the rest from one month to one year.


  3. Pingback: Bahraini persecuted journalist gets award | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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