Moroccans continue fight for democracy

This video is called Protest Rabat 23 October 2011 Morocco.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Civil rights activists call for boycott of Moroccan elections

Monday 24 October 2011

Thousands of Moroccans took to the streets on Sunday to call for a boycott of next month’s parliamentary elections.

They said that the elections will just strengthen King Mohammed VI’s grip on power.

He still has key powers and a decisive say over big decisions despite cosmetic reforms in July that handed some powers to elected officials.

In the country’s capital Rabat riot police attacked a march made up of 4,000 civil rights protesters and hundreds of unemployed university graduates.

Another 8,000 people turned out in Casablanca, with smaller numbers taking to the streets of Fez and Marrakesh.

February 20 Movement activist Omar Radi said: “It is obvious that the polls will bring to power the same figures who have for years been plundering the wealth of the country and holding hostage the future of the Moroccan population.”

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