United States Supreme Court breaks law

This video from the USA is called Anita Hill‘s Testimony – Clarence Thomas 2nd Hearing Day 1 (1991).

USA: For years Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas violated a law requiring justices reveal their spouse’s income and employers, during which time his wife, Virginia Thomas, received hundreds of thousands dollars from right-wing and pro-corporate groups: here.

Ian Millhiser, ThinkProgress: “Justice Clarence Thomas is an ethics problem in a black robe. Just eight months after ThinkProgress broke the story of Thomas‘ attendance at a Koch-sponsored political fundraiser, we learn that Thomas doesn’t just do unethical favors for wealthy right-wing donors – they also do expensive favors for him. Leading conservative donor Harlan Crow, whose company often litigates in federal court, donated $500,000 to allow Thomas‘s wife to start a Tea Party group and he once gave Thomas a $19,000 Bible that belonged to Frederick Douglass. The American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank which frequently files briefs in Thomas’ Court, also gave Thomas a $15,000 gift. If this sounds familiar, it’s because America has seen this movie before. Indeed, the Thomas scandal is little more than a remake of the forty year-old gifting scandal that brought down Justice Abe Fortas”: here.

Everything you need to know about the evolving Clarence Thomas ethics scandal: here.

Supreme Court Justice Failed To Disclose His Wife’s $700,000 Income: here.

Female Lawyer Accuses Justice Clarence Thomas Of Groping Her In 1999. She was 23 at the time. He was a Supreme Court justice. 10/27/2016 01:52 pm ET: here.

A FEMALE LAWYER HAS ACCUSED CLARENCE THOMAS OF GROPING HER IN 1999 “Moira Smith, vice president and general counsel at Enstar Natural Gas Co., told the National Law Journal that the justice grabbed her without her consent in 1999, when she met him at a Truman Foundation dinner.” [Paige Lavender, HuffPost]

The US Supreme Court is steadily shielding corporate criminality while cutting back fundamental democratic rights: here.

6 thoughts on “United States Supreme Court breaks law


    They are leaving a legacy of injustice: Clarence Thomas and David Prosser.

    Already on record as having called the chief justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court a “bitch” who he vowed to “destroy” last year, now Prosser is accused by another female supreme court justice of trying to strangle her with a choke hold. This allegedly occurred – and appears to have been witnessed by several other state supreme court judges – just before the 4-3 ruling that allowed Scott Walker’s legally questionable union-busting budget to be implemented.

    Sure enough, right-wing bloggers and even Fox’s Greta Van Susteren are not condemning Prosser’s act of violence – calling it defensive – but are instead demanding that Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson (the justice Prosser called a “bitch”) to resign.

    The double standard that the right wing holds in terms of sexual behavior, misogyny, unethical financial reporting, conflicts of interest – and just outright criminally violent behavior – is a threat to respect for our legal system.

    On the judicial level, the Republicans have been enormously tolerant of partisan judges who engage in conflicts of interest and ethical lapses. Just look at Thomas, who didn’t even report large financial payments that benefited him and his wife, as he ruled on cases that involved the sources of the personal funds. And Antonin Scalia doesn’t believe he needs to recuse himself because, as a Supreme Court judge, he believes that he is above having a conflict of interest.

    The American judicial system has had corrupt and violent judges on the bench before, but never has one party so sanctioned behavior that violates the very notion of judicial standards – not to mention potentially criminal violence and clear misogyny.

    It is hard to get US citizens to respect the courts when judges who show such disrespect for ethics and the rule of law sit on state courts and the national Supreme Court – and one political party comes to their defense, while the other party appears too timid to demand accountability.

    Mark Karlin
    Editor, BuzzFlash at Truthout


  2. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas accepts gifts from organizations that file briefs before the Court, attends political fundraisers, rules on lawsuits in which he or his wife have a conflict of interest, and hides income from the IRS.

    This is certainly unethical, probably illegal, and absolutely unacceptable. Urge your Representatives to impeach Justice Thomas.

    Thanks for all you do!

    Bob Fertik



    Dear Activist,

    Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been very busy accepting gifts from organizations that file briefs before the court, attending political fundraisers, ruling on suits in which he or his wife have a conflict of interest, and hiding income. No wonder he hasn’t had time to ask a question from the bench in five years.

    Ask your U.S. Representative to move to impeach him.

    There are three names Clarence Thomas should have in the top of his mind:

    1. Thomas Porteous. This federal judge was impeached in 2010 for charges of corruption and was removed from office.

    2. Samuel Kent. This federal judge was impeached in 2009 for charges of sexual assault and abuse of power. He resigned.

    3. Alberto Gonzales. This U.S. Attorney General resigned after Congressman Jay Inslee introduced — and dozens of his colleagues agreed to cosponsor — the following bill:

    “Resolved, That the Committee on the Judiciary shall investigate fully whether sufficient grounds exist for the House of Representatives to impeach Alberto R. Gonzales, Attorney General of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors.”

    It took Gonzales a couple of years to find a job, as lawyers notable primarily for their obedience are not all that hard to find. Inslee, by contrast, is a candidate for Governor of Washington.

    What we need to find now is a Congress member who will introduce a similar bill with Thomas’ name replacing Gonzales’.

    Ask your U.S. Representative to move to impeach him.

    Thanks for all you do!


  3. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has flouted the law for years by failing to disclose his wife’s substantial income despite being legally required to report it.

    That is why U.S. Representative Louise Slaughter is demanding that the Judicial Conference uphold the Ethics in Government Act by referring Thomas’ apparent misdeeds to the Attorney General for further investigation.

    Please join me in co-signing Rep. Slaughter’s letter demanding action on Clarence Thomas.

    Thanks for all you do!

    Bob Fertik

    Take action!

    Become a co-signer of Rep. Louise Slaughter’s letter to Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts demanding that the Judicial Conference refer Thomas’ apparent misdeeds to the U.S. Attorney General for further investigation.

    Rep. Slaughter will deliver the names of co-signers to Chief Justice Roberts.

    Add your name:
    Take action now!

    Clarence Thomas is not above the law.

    Dear friend,

    One of the bedrock principles of democracy is that nobody is above the law–not even Supreme Court justices like Clarence Thomas.

    Thomas has flouted the law for years by failing to disclose his wife’s substantial income despite being legally required to report it.

    That is why U.S. Representative Louise Slaughter is demanding that the Judicial Conference, an administrative arm of the court, uphold the Ethics in Government Act by referring Thomas’ apparent misdeeds to the Attorney General for further investigation.

    Rep. Slaughter has written a letter to Chief Justice John Roberts, who is the presiding officer of the Judicial Conference, about this, and she has invited Americans to add their voice by co-signing the letter (which you can read below).

    Co-sign Rep. Slaughter’s letter demanding action on Clarence Thomas. Click here to sign the petition.

    It’s inconceivable that a Supreme Court justice like Clarence Thomas would be unable to understand how to fill out the simple disclosure forms. And now information has come out showing Thomas accurately filled out the form for years before abruptly failing to do so.

    Failure to disclose is a serious breach of the law, and the Ethics in Government Act requires the U.S. Judicial Conference to refer any judge to the Attorney General whom the Conference “has reasonable cause to believe has willfully failed to file a report or has willfully falsified or willfully failed to file information required to be reported.” 1

    We need to make sure Chief Justice Roberts knows the eyes of Congress and the American people are on him, and we need to raise our voices and demand he take action.

    Co-sign Rep. Slaughter’s letter demanding action on Clarence Thomas. Click here to sign the petition.

    Thank you for speaking out.

    Becky Bond, Political Director
    CREDO Action from Working Assets

    Here’s the text of Rep. Slaughter’s letter:

    Dear Mr. Chief Justice:

    We write you today in your capacity as Presiding Officer of the Judicial Conference. We call your attention to the letter sent to the Conference by members of the House of Representatives on September 29, 2011, requesting an investigation of possible violations by Justice Clarence Thomas of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978.

    Evidence that Justice Thomas failed for 13 years to accurately disclose his wife’s employment has been submitted to the Conference and we believe the Conference is required by law to refer the matter to the Department of Justice for further investigation.

    In January, Common Cause and Alliance for Justice alerted the Judicial Conference to Justice Thomas’s repeated failure to make accurate financial disclosures as required under the Ethics Act. Justice Thomas then amended 21 years of his financial disclosure forms, explaining that he had, “misunderstood the reporting instructions.”

    Since we sent our September 29 letter, important new information concerning this matter has come to our attention. Disclosure forms obtained by Common Cause and Alliance for Justice show that Justice Thomas accurately filed his financial disclosure forms, including his wife’s employment, for as many as 10 years beginning in 1987 when he was Chair of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

    Justice Thomas continued to file accurate disclosure forms concerning his wife’s employment when he was a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. He also accurately filed his financial disclosure forms regarding his wife’s employment for the first five years he was a Justice of the Supreme Court.

    In 1997 however, Justice Thomas stopped disclosing his wife’s employment on his annual form, instead marking the box labeled “NONE,” to indicate his wife had no employment that year. Other public documents show that Justice Thomas’s wife was employed in 1997 by the Office of the U.S. House Majority Leader.

    Justice Thomas continued to omit his wife’s employment from his disclosures for the next 12 years, marking the “NONE” box on his annual forms. Other publicly available documents indicate that Justice Thomas’s wife did have employment in every one of those twelve years. Her employers included the Office of the U.S. House Majority Leader, the Heritage Foundation and Hillsdale College.

    Documents obtained by Common Cause and Alliance for Justice show that Justice Thomas’s wife earned over $1.6 million from these sources. We understand that Justice Thomas is not required to disclose those earnings but we include the number here to show that his wife’s earnings were very substantial and that their omission is unlikely to have been a mere oversight.

    It is very difficult for Justice Thomas to make a credible argument that he understood the filing instructions for ten years but then misunderstood them for the next thirteen years.

    Section 104(b) of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 requires the Judicial Conference to refer to the Attorney General any judge whom the Conference “has reasonable cause to believe has willfully falsified or willfully failed to file information required to be reported.”

    We believe these facts easily establish reasonable cause, and as a result the Judicial Conference must refer this matter to the Attorney General for further investigation.


    Louise Slaughter

    1. “Clarence Thomas Should Be Investigated For Nondisclosure, Democratic Lawmakers Say,” Jennifer Bendery, Huffington Post, September 29, 2011.


  4. December 28, 2011

    Dear Nation Reader,

    Investigations into Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’s ethics violations have jumped to the next level. House Democrats are now pushing for the Justice Department to investigate potential disclosure violations. Stand up for fair and just courts and join the call for a Justice Department investigation today.

    Peter Rothberg
    Associate Publisher, The Nation

    thomas got ethics

    Join the call for a Justice Department investigation into Clarence Thomas’ ethics violations.

    petition button

    Dear Progressive Ally,

    Efforts to hold Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas accountable for ethics violations have jumped to the next level, with a group of House Democrats led by Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) now pushing for a Justice Department investigation into Justice Thomas’ possible serious violations.

    Please sign our petition supporting the call for an investigation now.

    Various reports have raised concerns about Justice Clarence Thomas’ seemingly flagrant disregard for important disclosure requirements under the Ethics in Government Act of 1978. Justice Thomas failed to disclose his wife’s earnings on judicial financial disclosure forms on which he was required to do so. And there are questions about his acceptance of gifts from interests with significant stake in several Supreme Court cases.

    The Supreme Court’s very legitimacy and the public’s trust in the institution are under threat if Justices do not strictly adhere to ethical standards. It’s incredibly important that Justice Thomas’ violations are not ignored and that he be held accountable.

    Hold Justice Clarence Thomas accountable — take action to support a DOJ investigation now!

    After you sign, please help spread the word and recruit more Americans to this cause.

    Thank you for stand up for fair and just courts — the American Way.

    Michael B. Keegan signature
    Michael Keegan, President


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