Tunisian democrats fight on

This video is called New Dawn for Tunisia.

Tunisians kept up pressure on Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi and other remnants of the former regime today, taking to the streets again to demand a new government free of Ben Ali cronies: here.

Students and academics spark Tunisian uprising: here.

Arab League chief Amr Moussa warned leaders gathered in Sharm el-Sheikh today that they must hurry social and economic progress to avoid getting swept away by Tunisian-style uprisings: here. And here.

After Tunisia, ‘electrified’ Arab world sets sights on brewing revolt in Egypt: here.

Stephen Zunes, Truthout: “Whether the overthrow of the corrupt and autocratic Ben Ali regime in Tunisia in a mass civil insurrection will lead to a stable, just and democratic order remains to be seen, but the dramatic events in that North African country underscore a critical point: Democracy in the Arab world will not come from foreign military intervention or sanctimonious lecturing from Western capitals, but from Arab peoples themselves”: here.

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