Crisis, but not for Shell

This video series, in 4 parts, from the USA, is called The true cost of oil: Shell and Chevron.

From Citywire in Britain:

Higher oil price drives 90% profit rise at Shell

by Deborah Hyde on Oct 28, 2010 at 09:32

Oil giant Royal Dutch Shell said profits in the third quarter leapt nearly 90% to beat even the most optimistic forecasts thanks to higher oil prices and better refining margins.

The Anglo Dutch oil company reported a clean underlying profit of $4.9 billion, an 88.5% rise from the same period a year earlier and 14% above the consensus forecast of $4.4 billion.

That was helped by a 15% increase in oil prices and a 17% rise in gas prices.

Shameless bosses of Britain’s biggest companies pocketed an average of £4.9 million last year – a 55 per cent increase on their earnings: here.

Seven companies including oil giant Royal Dutch Shell agreed today to pay the US government $236.5million (£145m) to settle criminal and civil charges that they bribed foreign officials: here.

WikiLeaks: Shell Oil Infiltrated Nigerian Gov’t: here.

2 thoughts on “Crisis, but not for Shell

  1. Pingback: Shell money to Nigerian death squads | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Australian oil spill whitewash | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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