United States veterans against Afghan war

This video from the USA says about itself:

The 10th Year: Afghanistan Veterans Speak Out

6 October 2010

Join us and help make sure the war‘s tenth year is also its final year. For almost a decade, we’ve asked a very small slice of the population–military families–to shoulder the heaviest burdens for U.S. policies in that country. As we start Year Ten, an increasing number of veterans who are telling us that the war isn’t making us safer and it’s not worth the cost. These are just a few of their stories.

Afghanistan: Ending a Failed Military Strategy: here.

Keep traumatized soldiers from war: HeraldNet: U.S. military suicides have claimed more lives than combat: here.

US special forces in Afghanistan mounted an attempt to rescue Linda Norgrove after the British government in the persons of Foreign Secretary Hague and Prime Minister Cameron refused to back an offer by local Afghan elders to negotiate her release, after the same elders last week negotiated the release of the three Afghans who were taken prisoner along with Linda. She was killed in the course of the assault as were all of the Afghan fighters. There were no US casualties: here.

A British aid worker who had been held captive by militants in Afghanistan may have been killed by friendly fire and not by her kidnappers as previously claimed, Prime Minister David Cameron admitted today: here. And here. And here.

Linda Norgrove: US navy Seal faces disciplinary action over grenade death: here.

Does anyone else think that it is highly inappropriate that there are British army recruitment adverts on TV at the same time that young working-class men are dying in Afghanistan? Here.

Italy wants to launch bombing raids on Afghanistan after resistance fighters killed four Italian soldiers over the weekend: here.

Siân Ruddick interviews Joshua Phillips on his new book about torture by US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan: here.

Jim Hightower | Bleeding in Afghanistan: here.

Afghan civilian war injuries double in Kandahar conflict: here.

Afghanistan Air Strikes Up 172 Percent: ABC News Radio: here.

Afghans don’t trust Canadian forces: here.

5 thoughts on “United States veterans against Afghan war

  1. Ministers seek to heal Nato split

    Belgium: Nato ministers will meet in Brussels on Thursday to attempt to heal the “mission statement” split in the alliance.

    The US wants Nato to expand beyond its traditional theatre of operations but European governments, concerned over a repetition of the Afghanistan quagmire, say the alliance should not be transformed into a global policeman.



  2. 12 oktober 2010

    OM onderzoekt beelden marteling Uruzgan

    (Novum) – Het Openbaar Ministerie onderzoekt of Nederlandse militairen aanwezig zijn geweest bij de marteling van gevangenen in Afghanistan. Dit werd begin deze maand beweerd in een uitzending van Reporter.

    Demissionair minister van Defensie Eimert van Middelkoop (ChristenUnie) laat de Kamer dinsdag weten dat er ook al intern onderzoek is gedaan naar het vermeende incident in 2007. Daaruit concludeert hij dat er geen Nederlanders militairen betrokken waren bij de operatie waarbij de mishandelingen plaatsvonden. Desondanks is het OM in Arnhem een oriënterend onderzoek gestart.

    In het KRO-programma waren beelden te zien van de martelingen die in 2007 plaatsvonden tijdens een militaire operatie in de Baluchivallei. Volgens de programmamakers waren de beelden geschoten door een Nederlandse militair. Medewerkers van Defensie hebben de betrokken journalisten inmiddels gesproken, maar met het oog op bronbescherming hebben zij geen nadere informatie verschaft.

    Van Middelkoop vindt de manier waarop de gevangen zijn behandeld overigens ‘volstrekt verwerpelijk’.



  3. Pingback: US military veterans’ suicides | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: United States war veterans’ bad health care | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  5. Pingback: Dutch government neglected Afghan war veterans | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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