Massey profits first, miners’ lives a poor second

This video from the USA says about itself:

Fired Massey Coal Miner Files Whistleblower Complaint

A West Virginia coal miner has filed a whistleblower complaint with the Labor Department, alleging that he was fired after he made comments about safety conditions at mines owned by Massey Energy. Ricky Lee Campbell was fired on April 23, less than two weeks after an explosion at Massey’s Upper Big Branch Mine killed twenty-nine. A number of other Massey coal miners have also complained that they have faced retaliation for reporting safety problems.

USA: Coal miners who worked at the Upper Big Branch mine in Montcoal, West Virginia, where a deadly blast killed 29 miners on April 5, told federal investigators that Massey foremen ordered an electrician to disable a methane detector months before the explosion occurred: here.

AFL-CIO: Blankenship Knows No Shame: here.

Massey launches intimidation campaign against environmental activists: here.

CEO of Massey, U.S. mining company under investigation for explosion that killed 29, announces retirement: here.

A roof bolter was killed July 29 in a northern West Virginia underground coal mine when a section of the wall collapsed on him, bringing to 42 the number of US coal miners killed so far this year: here.

Angry coal miners lash out at KY Senate candidate Rand Paul: here.

Coal Barons At Industry Retreat Plot To Indoctrinate Children About Wonders Of Coal: here.

The 33 Chilean miners trapped for over two weeks in the San José gold and copper mine near the city of Copiapo, 800 kilometres to the north of Santiago, are alive. But rescuers estimate their final rescue could take several months. At the heart of the accident is undoubtedly the greed for profits of the San Esteban Mining Company, which has a long record of total disregard of elementary safety norms: here.

4 thoughts on “Massey profits first, miners’ lives a poor second

  1. Engineers miss trapped miners

    Chile: Engineers drilling a hole to reach 33 miners trapped underground almost two weeks ago have missed their target – and blamed the failure on errors in the mine-owners’ maps.

    Hundreds of rescuers are trying to reach the men, who could still be alive and in a refuge space.

    The miners were trapped by a massive tunnel collapse.

    Chiliean President Sebastian Pinera said officials had not yet given up hope of pulling them out alive.


  2. Pingback: Coal corporation fined for damaging nature reserve | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Pingback: Massey’s criminal mine disaster | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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