Spoonbills and waders

Today, again to the Baillon’s crakes’ nesting site.

I did not see Baillon’s crakes today. Nor did I see the spotted crakes which others had seen here.

There was a young shelduck, and three black-tailed godwits (see also here).

This is a green sandpiper video.

There was a ruff. And a green sandpiper.

Little grebe sounds.

A bit further, three spoonbills.

A common sandpiper.

Mute swans with young. Under the bridge, an adult great crested grebe swimming and diving with a big juvenile grebe. It gets a small fish from its parent.

1 thought on “Spoonbills and waders

  1. Pingback: Snipe and spotted redshank | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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