Anti women discrimination in British businesses

This video is called EQUAL PAY: Batgirl vs Chamber of Commerce.

From British daily The Morning Star:

Gender gap work ‘the least’ bosses can do

Friday 24 April 2009

MOANING bosses have been slammed by unions for claiming it would be too much of a burden to publish details of staff wages to reveal existing gender pay gaps.

Firms employing more than 250 workers will be encouraged to give pay details and if enough progress has not been made by 2013, legislation will be brought forward.

The measure will be included in the Equalities Bill on Monday.

Unions have welcomed any initiative which could help close the 17 per cent gender pay gap.

A new survey of 150 human resources managers showed that almost two-thirds of firms had not audited gender pay differences.

A similar number did not believe men in their organisation were paid more than women.

TUC general secretary Brendan Barber said yesterday: “The UK will never tackle the problem of unequal pay until there are systems in place exposing the huge gap between what men and women doing similar jobs in the same workplaces are paid.

“The business lobby will of course complain loudly about what they see as another burden on business, but pay audits are the very least employers should do if we are to finally get rid of low and unequal pay for female workers in the UK.”

Dozens of part-time women workers are celebrating a landmark victory in a pension payout dispute after a decade-long equal pay fight against a top private school: here.

Improved methods of measuring and publicising the gender pay gap could hold the key to help companies reduce inequality, equality campaigners have said: here.

Women workers are losing out: new global report on the gender gap is a wake up call for Australian employers, say unions: here.

3 thoughts on “Anti women discrimination in British businesses

  1. Sugar set to be given peerage

    HONOURS: Alan Sugar will receive a peerage as part of a new enterprise role in the government, it was revealed.

    The businessman, who has been in talks with Gordon Brown, is expected to be given a seat in the House of Lords as part of the Prime Minister’s reshuffle. A spokesman for the multimillionaire businessman would not comment on the plan.

    However, Business Secretary Lord Mandelson appeared to confirm that Sir Alan would be given a peerage. Speaking to BBC News in Downing Street, he said: “Lord Sugar is just one heck of a man.”

    Women’s group Fawcett Soceity, which has been grieving the loss of two senior women from the Cabinet, said that Sir Alan’s appointment was of “grave concern” because “he has made outspoken comments which have set the women’s rights agenda back.”


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