Economic crisis again

The recent scandal about AIG bonuses in the USA is not the first one since that insurance corporation was bailed out with billions of taxpayers’ money.

This video from last year in the USA is called 10/7 AIG Executives Scandal $500K Spa Resort Vacation Party.

The economic crisis continues.

USA: Obama is attempting to navigate between placating public anger over AIG and similar outrages by Wall Street firms that have received hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer funds and satisfying the demands of the financial elite, which will brook no government interference in its drive for self-enrichment: here.

On Friday, a number of columns appeared in the US media defending the bonuses paid out to AIG executives: here.

Wall Street hysterics over the AIG bonus bill: here.

From the Working Families Party in the USA:

We’re all mad at AIG. Their executives bear a large share of the responsibility for bringing the economy to it’s knees, and now the same folks are getting hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses — at our expense. Join us for a field trip to bring them the message.


10AM: Pick up in Hartford
(Working Families Headquarters – 30 Arbor St.)

11AM: Pick up in Bridgeport
(ACORN Offices 2320 Main St.)

Tour and Protest
AIG Financial Products headquarters, executives’ houses.

2:30: Return to Bridgeport
3:30: Return to Hartford

US: Working families struggle to make ends meet: here.

Unemployment in the United Kingdom has recorded the largest monthly increase since records began in 1971: here.

Britain: The fraud of Brown’s “crusade” for social mobility: here.

The World Socialist Web Site spoke to workers and youth participating in demonstrations in France on March 19: here.

While speculators and criminal banking agencies go unpunished, a Berlin shop worker is sacked on suspicion of pocketing €1.30: here.

2 thoughts on “Economic crisis again

  1. Pingback: Economic crisis, G20 summit | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Economic slump | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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