Poetry slam night

This video is called Dada sound poem by Michelle Boelee & Niels Wildschut.

Yesterday, there was a poetry slam night in Leiden.

The first poet on stage was yours truly; with poems on a ladybug; on flies; painting; an umbrella; and capitalism. Like with other poets later, the audience applauded after every individual poem.

Next in line was Niels Wildschut, with one “pessimist” and one “optimist” poem.

Next, poetry by Stephanie Tillieux. She had one poem about Andy Warhol and one about termites.

After a short pause, the next three poets.

First, Erwin Mulder. Performing for the first time ever in Leiden, but already victor in poetry slams in Amsterdam. He had a long poem and a short one.

Then, Marjolein Ouwehand. She writes mainly in English. However, tonight she read three poems in Dutch: on violence, on death, and on love gone wrong.

Finally, as last poet in the first round, Wouter Idema. With three love poems.

The jury decided that Wouter, Stephanie, Erwin, and Niels would proceed to the next round.

Niels started that round, with a poem on prisons.

Then, Stephanie, sitting down this time; not standing like in the first round.

Then, Erwin. Finally, Wouter.

The jury decided that Wouter and Erwin would go the final round.

Erwin’s shortest poem was (translated:

You say, an orgasm?
I still have to work!

Wouter had a long poem, about fairy tales by Andersen, Grimm, and others.

The jury decided that Erwin had won.

And the audience decided that Niels Wildschut would join Erwin in the next slam round, in 2009.

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