British ill-treatment of African refugee

This video is from Sky TV in Britain.

From British daily The Independent:

Asylum-seeker ‘was assaulted by security men during deportation’

By Robert Verkaik, Law Editor
Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Allegations that a Cameroonian man who came to Britain to escape torture in his own country was twice beaten by British security guards after he lost his claim for asylum and was being forcibly sent home are being investigated by the Government.

Anselme Noumbiwa, 32, claims he was first assaulted in July after he refused to board a Kenyan Airways plane because of his fear of returning to Cameroon. He says he was beaten by immigration escorts at the back of the aircraft but was spared deportation when airline staff intervened. In a second complaint Mr Noumbiwa, who fled Cameroon after being tortured, says he was beaten by five security guards when he resisted removal, this time on a British Airways flight on the morning of 23 October.

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