Utah Phillips, United States singer, dies

This video, from Democracy Now! in the USA, is called Folk Singer Utah Phillips dies- 1/5.

From Songwriter’s Notebook blog in the USA, by singer David Rovics:

I wouldn’t want to elevate anybody to inappropriately high heights, but for me, Utah Phillips was a legend.

I first became familiar with the Utah Phillips phenomenon in the late 80’s, when I was in my early twenties, working part-time as a prep cook at Morningtown in Seattle. I had recently read Howard Zinn‘s A People’s History of the United States, and had been particularly enthralled by the early 20th Century section, the stories of the Industrial Workers of the World. So it was with great interest that I first discovered a greasy cassette there in the kitchen by the stereo, Utah Phillips Sings the Songs and Tells the Stories of the Industrial Workers of the World.

See also here.

3 thoughts on “Utah Phillips, United States singer, dies

  1. Pingback: US Leftist folk music | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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