Anti-over-fishing law in Venezuela

This video says about itself:

Goliath groupers, or Jewfish, are the largest groupers growing upwards of 800 lbs.

From IPS news agency:

ENVIRONMENT-VENEZUELA: Farewell, Trawl-Fishing

By Humberto Márquez

CARACAS, Apr 8 – Trawl-fishing is on its way out in Venezuela, amid demonstrations by artisanal fisherfolk who support the new law as amended by President Hugo Chávez.

“Trawling is killing off fish species. In our case, we fish with hooks, catch a ‘pargo’ (sea bream), try again, catch a ‘mero’ (grouper), and clean them as we go. We used to fill the boats in a single night, but for years now that hasn’t happened, and sometimes we come back empty-handed,” Manuel González told IPS.

González is a veteran member of the Fishers’ Association of Río Caribe, a town on the Caribbean coast 550 kilometres northeast of Caracas.

Groups of fisherfolk have been organising marches in the capital, some of them driving trucks carrying their boats, to show their support for the Law on Fisheries and Aquaculture, amended by Chávez in March by a decree-law banning trawl-fishing.

Before the amendment, the previous law promulgated by Chávez in 2001 only prohibited trawling less than six miles (10 kilometres) from the mainland or less than 10 miles (16 kilometres) from island shores.

But the amended law bans trawl-fishing in all Venezuelan waters, where González said “Italian and Spanish ships used to trawl, not only Venezuelan fishing vessels.”…

“The reason for the new law is ecological. In Venezuela, trawlers damage over 68,000 square kilometres of seabed a year. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) warns that if this continues, marine species will be wiped out by 2048,” Giménez said.

In less than three decades the round goby has become one of the most colourful features of the southern Baltic: here.

5 thoughts on “Anti-over-fishing law in Venezuela


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    Speech of E.A. Vidyasekera secretary coordinator of AAPSO at the Assembly of World Peace Council, Caracas, Venezuela,

    April 8-13, 2008


    Afro-Asian Peoples Solidarity Organisation thanks World Peace Council for inviting a delegation of our organisation to participate at this assembly. We congratulate W.P.C. for holding such an event in this part of the region which is the first time in its history.

    Today the progressive and forward looking people all over the world pay their attention to the progressive changes that take place in Latin America. Fifty years ago it was only Cuba which shined as a bright star facing the biggest challenge and threat from the strongest imperialist power in the world. With the democratic elections making changes in favour of left and socialist forces, number of bright stars in the constellation have multiplied. Among them the Bolivarian revolution under the charismatic leadership of President Hugo Chavas in Venezuela has made a world wide impact strongly defying the U.S. hegemony in the region.

    The most contentions issue people of the world face today is the growing aggressiveness of imperialism despite fiasco in Iraq and Afghanistan. The total “defense budget” of the U.S. today stands $515 billion which is half of the worlds’ military spending. While doing this Washington “cries wolf” against China whose new defense budget is only $58.8 billion. At the same time the U.S. continue to modernise and build new military bases world wide and expand NATO in Eurasia encircling Russia and China on a false pretex of protecting against threats from Iran and North Korea. In pursing this adventurous policies, the U.S. stoop to any method undermining the United Nations and international treaties such as N.P.T.

    For the people of the world specially the developing countries eradication of poverty, peaceful economic development, growth with equity, fair trade and using their own natural resources such as oil for betterment of the quality and standard of life of their own people is the priority. Millions of people in these countries lack basic needs such as clean drinking water, cheaper medical treatment and eradication of diseases and illiteracy. Prescription of the imperialist dominated institution such as IMF and World Bank and the structural adjustment policies only retard their progress and make them more poor. Of all these is the ongoing process of privatisation of world under transnationals such as Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola. In India through a strong peoples movement such as in Kerala, it was able to close down Coca cola and Pepsi Cola as it drain the clean water supply to the people. It is a good omen that within the United States too “Pacific institute, a sustainable development research organisation in Oakland, California has launched a campaign against bottled water as it concern of huge energy consumption, green house gas emissions, waste, the environmental effect of water extraction and the perils of privatisation and social issues”. Such movements need to be strengthened and integrated with the rest of civil society peace and solidarity movements. As was know through the experience of the people in the developing countries that multinational corporations including the pharmaceutical industries extract huge profits by keeping the people in abject poverty. These multinational companies are richer than most countries in the developing world. In 2004, the revenues of U.S. car company general motors were $191.4 billion, greater than the GDP of more than 148 countries. In the fiscal year ending 2005, the U.S. retailer wal-marts’ revenues were $285.2 billion, larger than the combined GDP of sub-Saharan Africa. They are rich and politically powerful and capable of dictating terms to governments of developing countries.

    With the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the socialist countries in Eastern Europe, the U.S. unilaterally assumed the position of the sole super power in the world. This paved the way for intensifying the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia ultimately leading to extinct of the Yugoslav federation. As the Balkan states were brought under the umbrella of NATO, the latter’s mandate extended as far as Afghanistan. With an invented propaganda lie, Iraq was invaded to bring the oil resources directly under U.S. But this has further exacerbated the crisis in the Middle East. The bleeding in Iraq, Palestine and Afghanistan continue to intensify. The whole region has become a humanitarian catastrophe. Although only few months left for the Bush presidency, there is no likelihood of incoming president whoever it may be will genuinely facilitate the peaceful settlement of Middle East problem.

    In spite U.S. sponsored U.N. security council sanctions, Iran is not prepared to submit to U.S. hegemony. U.S. has already come into conflict with the Russian federation over the U.S. missile shield in Poland and Czech Republic. It has further aggravated with the attempts to incorporate Georgia and Ukraine in the NATO. U.S. militarism has extended to African continent precisely with the motive of controlling oil resources. There is more and more foreign penetration in the African affairs which result is continued tension and conflict, indirectly assisted by same African rulers also indulge in profligacy and corruption.

    It is crystal clear that the greatest danger to the peace and stability and the hegemonism of the U.S. combined with some of EU policies. The ongoing conflict in Palestine and Lebanon are an example. While talking about peace process, Israel is rewarded for sabotaging any peaceful settlement of the conflicts.

    The time has come for building a strong peace movement world over by uniting all the fragmented groups. We all admire the historical role played by the W.P.C. We are certain that this assembly held in Latin America will be an appropriate forum to launch such a movement to integrate with the civil society in Latin America. AAPSO since its inception had been closely cooperating with W.P.C. in strengthening the peace and solidarity movement, in multifarious activities. We shall continue that process in future.

    In February last AAPSO had a representative international gathering in Cairo on 26-28 commemorating the 50th anniversary of our organisation, where W.P.C. was present. That conference contributed immensely to the future strategy of AAPSO. Also I wish to mention here that All India Peace and Solidarity organisation will be hosting the 8th congress of AAPSO next year. Owing for the very close relationship between World Peace Council and AAPSO, it is important to take joint initiative of agreed projects between the two organisations. This can be both international and regional level. As some of the national organisations are based on both peace and solidarity, grass root mobilisation is feasible.

    AAPSO takes great pleasure in attending the W.P.C. Assembly. We are happy to be here in Caracas, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Since we are meeting in Venezuela, in South America, it is important to integrate Latin America Civil Society Organisations with African and Asian organisations in future. We request our friends who are present here from Latin American countries to pursue these contacts. We hope this will enable us to link our organisations with Latin American experiences. Mutual contact and visits may help us to expand and consolidate the movement. We sincerely thanks the hosting committee COSI providing us an opportunity to learn about their new experiment in building a socialist society in the 21st century.

    Thank you


  2. Venezuela: Another U.S. coup attempt?
    “Our expelling their ambassador is not the end of things,” said the [U.S.] official. . . . [In 2002] the Bush administration tacitly approved a coup that briefly toppled Mr. Chavez.


  3. Venezuela: ‘Our votes are for Chavez and the revolution’

    By Federico Fuentes

    Caracas, October 31, 2008 — “On November 23, we will not just be voting
    for this or that governorship, we will be deciding the destiny of this
    revolutionary process”, Stalin Perez Borges, a national coordinator of
    the National Union of Workers (UNT) and United Socialist Party of
    Venezuela (PSUV) militant, told Green Left Weekly. On that day, regional
    elections for 23 governorships, more than 300 mayors and hundreds of
    state legislative assembly members will occur — a crucial contest
    between the revolutionary forces lead by President Hugo Chavez (mainly
    grouped in the PSUV) and the US-backed right-wing opposition. Perez
    Borges and militants from the different union currents that are also in
    the PSUV have been organising in their unions and workplaces to ensure a
    strong victory in these elections. “Our position is that, despite some
    of the problems that exist, we as revolutionaries will be participating
    not just on voting day, but in the campaign. This is the best way to
    strengthen and deepen the process.”

    * Read more


  4. Venezuela: US-backed right wing murders unionists, attacks
    revolutionary gains

    A statement from the Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network
    November 28, 2008 — In the aftermath of the November 23 regional
    elections, Venezuela’s right-wing opposition has launched, in the states
    it won, an all-out assault on grassroots community organisations… In
    the days following the elections, grassroots activists in Caracas,
    Miranda and Tachira have reported that the public community health
    clinics (part of Barrio Adentro, the free universal healthcare program),
    communal councils and other centres where social programs operate are
    being shut down or attacked by opposition party, despite the public
    assurances of at least one right-wing govenor-elect that the legal
    frameworks would be respected.

    * Read more

    Venezuela: After the regional elections, the workers propose a clean
    out and more revolution

    By Stalin Perez Borges, translated by Kiraz Janicke and Federico Fuentes
    for Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal
    November 25, 2008 — I want to give some preliminary and personal
    impressions, in the heat of the moment, where many comrades are very
    preoccupied by the significance of the [Chavista movement’s] loss of the
    Mayor of Greater Caracas and of some important or key governorships in
    the country.

    * Read more

    Venezuela’s regional elections: Another vote for the revolution and
    Chavez (now with video, audio)

    Statement by the Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network

    November 25, 2008 — The results of the elections for local mayors and
    state governors held in Venezuela on November 23 underlined the
    continuing mass support for the Bolivarian revolution led by President
    Hugo Chavez. In a clear vote of confidence in the project to build
    socialism of the 21st century in Venezuela, the United Socialist Party
    of Venezuela (PSUV) — formed just six months ago with Chavez as its
    president — won 17 of the 22 states in which governors were elected.
    The United States-backed right-wing opposition won five states with a
    total of about 4 million votes, compared to the 5.5 million votes for
    the PSUV candidates. The elections were also a victory for democracy in

    * Read more


  5. Pingback: Grouper fish threatened | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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