Picket against privatization of Iraqi oil

This video from Britain is about Iraqi refugee

Sami Ramadani – speaks to audience assembled to hear Hassan Joumaa of the Iraqi Oil union.

From British daily News Line:

Wednesday, 6 February 2008


‘Hands Off Iraqi Oil’, read the banner of protest outside the Middle East Energy Conference in London yesterday.

At the conference was Iraqi puppet Oil Minister, Hussein al Shahristani, plus US/UK government ministers, and Shell and BP oil executives seeking ‘Production Sharing Agreements’ (PSA) for control of Iraqi oil supplies.

Shahristani has declared Iraq ‘open for business’, and invited oil companies to invest and prosper.

The protest, organised by Hands Off Iraqi Oil, called for an ‘immediate end to the military and economic occupation of Iraq’, pointing out that international oil companies, and the British and US governments, have been pushing for a law which will hand control of Iraq’s oil to foreign companies. …

Despite the small number and non obstructive nature of their picket, a senior police officer (number 2073 – he would not give his name), threatened the protesters with arrest under section 14 of the Public Order Act.

2 thoughts on “Picket against privatization of Iraqi oil

  1. Pingback: Graphic novel on Iraqi oil | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Islamisation of Birmingham, England, satiric poem | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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