British government sends Ghanaian woman to her death

This video from Britain is called Political Rant #3: UK Government Deports Ama Sumani.

By Barry Mason:

Britain: Terminally ill Ghanaian woman deported and denied medical care

18 January 2008

Ama Sumani, a 39-year-old Ghanaian woman terminally ill with a malignant myeloma, was deported from Britain to Ghana on January 9. She was taken from the University Hospital, Cardiff, in Wales, where she was receiving dialysis treatment, as her kidneys were damaged by the myeloma. Five immigration officers put her on a flight from Heathrow to Ghana that day.

Ms. Sumani had first come to Britain in 2003; she enrolled as a student but was unable to finish the course and took a job. Taking employment contravened her student visa status. She flew to Ghana in 2005 to attend a memorial service for her late husband. On her return to Britain, her visa was revoked.

She became ill two years ago, and doctors say that without regular dialysis she has only weeks to live. A Border and Immigration Agency (BIA) spokesman claimed that “Part of our consideration when a person is removed is their fitness to travel and whether the necessary medical treatment is available in the country to which they are returning.”

Ms. Sumani attended hospital in Accra, the day after arriving in Ghana. According to reports by the BBC and Independent, the hospital in Accra will not provide treatment for her. The reports state British officials would provide funding for treatment for three months, but the hospital said that without funding for ongoing medical treatment, they would not be prepared to accept her as a patient.

Her lawyer Sara Changkee said: “It’s just so sad; her only future now is death.”

Annan Cato, Ghanaian High Commissioner in London, has made an appeal to the British government to allow Ms. Sumani to be returned to continue her treatment.

The treatment of the Ghanaian woman is one more example of the British government’s increasingly reactionary and punitive treatment of immigrants and asylum seekers.

The Independent on January 2 highlighted the case of Adedoyin Fadairo, a three-year-old girl who has been threatened with deportation to America. The child was born in the US but has lived most of her life in London with her grandmother and has no family in America.

The girl’s 32-year-old mother is also threatened with deportation, in her case to Nigeria. She has been held in the Yarls Wood detention centre and has been separated from Adedoyin for 10 months. Adedoyin has a kidney condition but is not entitled to medical treatment.

Internet petition for Ama Sumani: here.

Update 27 January 2008: here.

PRESIDENT BARACK Obama said Africa’s future “is up to Africa” in a speech to Ghana’s parliament July 11, but he ignored the U.S. government’s own role in increasing poverty in the West African nation: here. And here.

9 thoughts on “British government sends Ghanaian woman to her death

  1. Obama in Ghana: The speech he should have made

    By Firoze Manji
    July 16, 2009 — The internet and wires have been burning with anger and
    disappointment at the speech

    made by US President Barack Obama on July 11 at the start of his visit
    to Ghana. Below is a speech Obama might have — or should have — made
    during his second visit to the continent in the space of a few weeks.

    * Read more


  2. How the West exploits Africa

    By Tony Iltis
    July 18, 2009 — US President Barack Obama used his African heritage in
    his July 11 speech to the Ghanaian parliament in Accra as justification
    for proceeding to blame Africa’s problems on its own people. He
    acknowledged historical Western crimes, but denied that ongoing
    suffering is caused by the current policies of the West. Western
    aggression and exploitation, Obama claims, are things of the past. A
    July 15 Los Angeles Times editorial said: “It was the same message about
    good governance they’d heard from presidents [Bill] Clinton and George
    W. Bush. No new programs or initiatives for Africa. But just because the
    message is old doesn’t mean it’s not worth repeating.”

    * Read more

    G8 and Africa: Some give, plenty of take

    By Yash Tandon
    July 16, 2009 — The summit of the world’s richest and most powerful
    Northern countries that constitute the G8 took place in L’Aquila, Italy,
    from July 8-10, 2009. In attendance also were the heads of state and
    government of a host of other minor or lesser countries, some of whom
    were admitted to the inner sanctum of the G8 summit, and some simply
    hovered around in the corridors at the call of the G8 waiting to be
    “invited” for “breakfast meetings” or press conferences or
    “bilaterals”. At one of these “breakfast meetings” the G8 broadened
    their participants to take in the African countries of Algeria, Angola,
    Egypt, Ethiopia, Libya, Nigeria, Senegal and South Africa, as well as
    the IEA, World Bank, IMF, ILO, OECD, WTO and United Nations and the
    African Union Commission’s representatives. At this meeting the G8
    graciously agreed to increase aid to Africa for food security and
    agricultural development from an earlier figure of US$15 billion to
    US$20 billion.

    * Read more


  3. How Obama pardons capitalism for its misdeeds in Africa

    By Emilie Tamadaho Atchaca (Benin), Solange Koné (Ivory Coast), Jean
    Victor Lemvo (Congo Brazzaville), Damien Millet (France), Luc Mukendi
    and Victor Nzuzi (Congo Kinshasa), Sophie Perchellet (France), Aminata
    Barry Touré (Mali), Eric Toussaint (Belgium), Ibrahim Yacouba (Niger)
    . Translated by Maria Gatti

    * Read more


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