Dutch soldiers killed by ‘friendly’ fire in Afghanistan

This video is called Afghan Woman Loses 8 Family Members.

Dutch NOS TV says about the two Dutch soldiers (and also two Kabul government soldiers) who died in Afghanistan:

They died by friendly fire. Also, one Dutchman this weekend lost both his legs during fighting.

According to the front page of Dutch daily Metro of today, the two dead Dutch soldiers were 20 and 22 years old.

Metro also writes: “The [Dutch] Department of Defense are doing everything they can to help the families of the casualties”. Maybe, that is a literal quote of a public relations press release by the Dutch government. Not checked by Metro maybe.

If so, then why does not Metro say: “The Department of Defense state that they are doing everything …”

2 thoughts on “Dutch soldiers killed by ‘friendly’ fire in Afghanistan

  1. Pingback: Dutch taxpayers taxed for yet more oil wars | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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