Police attacks striking Wal-Mart workers in Jordan

This video is called Human Trafficking: Worker Dies in Jordan Sweatshop (Bengali). It says about itself:

Mistreatment at the Fashion Curve plant in Jordan’s Al-Tajamouat Industrial City leads to worker’s death. Workers there are underpaid and cheated into paying money for free visas. Overtime is forced and not compensated.

From the National Labor Committee:

Three Thousand Workers Strike in Jordan Sewing for Wal-Mart and Other Companies


Workers Beaten by Police

Classic Fashion Apparel Industry
Al Hassan Industrial City
Irbid, Jordan

Three thousand foreign guest workers, 50 percent of them young women–1,500 from Sri Lanka, 900 from Bangladesh, 400 from India and 100 from Nepal–have been on strike since Monday, December 10, 2007. The situation is critical. At least 10 workers were beaten today by the police. Before going on strike, the workers had written to the Jordanian Ministry of Labor seeking help, but received no response.

* Workers paid less than half the wages legally due them, earning a take-home wage of just $30.95 a week for a minimum of 78 hours of work, while they should have been paid at least $64.88.

The monarchical government of Jordan is a key ally of George W. Bush in the Middle East.

Jordan in February 2008: here.

Jordanian law allows girls as young as 15 to be married, even though age of consent is 18: here.

6 thoughts on “Police attacks striking Wal-Mart workers in Jordan

  1. Poet’s verse leads to a year in jail

    Jordan: A court has convicted a poet and sentenced him to one year in prison for using verses of the Koran in his love poems.

    Jordanian law bans publication of books that could be seen as harmful to Islam and the prophet Mohammed.

    Islam Samhan was charged with slandering Islam by combining sacred words of the Koran with sexual themes.



  2. Police beat second prisoner to death

    JORDAN: A second prisoner in a week died after being beaten by police, a police spokesman admitted on Sunday, casting a rare spotlight on the nation’s US-trained security forces.

    There were angry demonstrations after Fakhri Kreishan died late on Saturday, two days after slipping into a coma caused by a severe beating to the head that took place during a clash between police and residents in the city of Maan.



  3. Jordan opposition demands end to cooperation with CIA


    AMMAN (AFP) — Jordan’s Islamist-led opposition called on the government to stop cooperating with the US Central Intelligence Agency, saying that the US-led war in Afghanistan “is not our war.”

    “The American empire’s war in Afghanistan is not our war. It’s not in Jordan’s interest,” 78 opposition figures, including Muslim Brotherhood leader Hammam Said and outspoken former MPs Leith Shbeilat and Tujan Feisal, said in a joint statement.

    “Jordanian policies should be reviewed. Jordan should stop cooperating with American and Zionist intelligence. It should pull out any troops in Afghanistan or any other place,” they added.

    The opposition statement came after the death in a January 30 suicide bombing in Afghanistan of senior intelligence officer Captain Ali bin Zeid, a member of the royal family, along with seven CIA agents spotlighted Jordan’s role in the international coalition there.

    The opposition leaders said the “real fascist terrorism is the Zionist terrorism that threatens world peace and Jordan’s future.”

    “Jordan should not be dragged into wars of others and should not turn into a battlefield,” they added.

    During a visit to Washington on Friday, Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh openly acknowledged for the first time that Jordan had a counterterrorism role in Afghanistan and planned to enhance it.

    On Monday, Prime Minister Samir Rifai defended the kingdom’s engagement overseas in the war against terror, insisting: “We will deploy wherever it is necessary.”



  4. Improved legal status for women

    Jordan: King Abdullah II has approved a new law that improves women’s rights, but falls far short of granting them equal status.

    The new Bill establishes an alimony fund for divorced women and their children and stipulates a three-month waiting period before female heirs may sign away their inheritance rights. It also allows mothers to retain custody of their children until they turn 18, up from the current age of 12.



  5. Pingback: Jordan against absolute monarchy, price rises | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  6. Pingback: Prince from human rights violating Jordan new United Nations human rights chief | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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