Jewel wasps turn cockroaches into ‘zombies’, video

This New Scientist video says about itself:

Watch how jewel wasps turn cockroaches into “zombies” and find out about the antidote scientists have discovered.

See more on this here.

Par­a­sit­ic wasp Glypta­pan­te­les: here.

Far from being a weak-willed sap easily paralyzed by the emerald jewel wasp’s sting to the brain — followed by becoming a placid egg carrier and then larvae chow — the cockroach can deliver a stunning karate kick that saves its life: here.

3 thoughts on “Jewel wasps turn cockroaches into ‘zombies’, video

  1. Pingback: New North American wasp species discoveries | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: ‘Termites, cockroaches more closely related than thought’ | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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