Video Surfaces of Cheney, in 1994, Warning That An Invasion of Iraq Would Lead to ‘Quagmire’

From Editor & Publisher in the USA:

Video Surfaces of Cheney, in 1994, Warning That An Invasion of Iraq Would Lead to ‘Quagmire

By E&P Staff

Published: August 12, 2007 10:20 AM ET

NEW YORK It’s not the first time that citizen “investigative journalists” have uncovered some embarrassing, or telling, nugget from the past that apparently remained buried for years. But it has happened again with the posting of a now wildly popular video on YouTube that shows Dick Cheney explaining in 1994 that trying to take over Iraq would be a “bad idea” and lead to a “quagmire.”

The people who put it up come from a site called Grand Theft Country, the on-screen source appears to be the conservative American Enterprise Institute, and the date on the screen is April 15, 1994. That looks right, by the age of Cheney.

Posted on Friday, it had received over 100,000 hits by this morning, after being widely-linked around the Web.

See also here.

Cheney and Iran now: here.

Iraq war and US politics now: here.

Draft in the USA? See here.

New York Times and escalation in Iraq: here.

Hollywood movies and the Iraq war: here.

New Zealand and the Iraq war: here.

1 thought on “Video Surfaces of Cheney, in 1994, Warning That An Invasion of Iraq Would Lead to ‘Quagmire’

  1. Meet our Video Contest Winner: “Nancy Calls for Impeachment”

    We celebrated August 9th as “Dump Dick Day,” marking the 33rd anniversary of Dick Nixon’s resignation in the face of impeachment, with a video contest comparing Dick Nixon to Dick Cheney.

    17 videos were submitted to our Dump Dick YouTube group, 5 finalists tied for the highest user ratings on YouTube, and the winner was chosen by a runoff vote on

    The winning video, “Nancy calls for impeachment,” depicts an imaginary telephone conversation between Nancy Pelosi and a friend (played by the video’s creator: student, activist-musician, and first-time filmmaker Jen Datka). The friend explains to Nancy that the reason she’s so unpopular is her “failure to hold accountable the most dangerous, criminal, and morally bankrupt administration this country has ever known.” She then cites the historical example of Richard Nixon to allay Nancy’s fears about impeachment.
    Jen told us, “It was great to see so many intelligent and talented people get involved with this contest. I think the creativity evident in all the video entries will be a powerful weapon against Bush and Cheney and help bring these evil-doers to justice at last.” For her own creatvity Jen is being awarded the first place prize of $1,000 from Congratulations Jen! Here’s a bit more about Jen in her own words:

    How can we persuade Speaker Nancy Pelosi to respond to Jen’s excellent video? Share your ideas here:

    In close second was Dick Cheney’s Jury by Kevin D’Haeze. The video juxtaposes footage of Dick Cheney and Richard Nixon over an ominous soundtrack, reminding viewers that the only way to stop Nixon was through impeachment, and that we can exercise that option with Dick Cheney as well. will be sending Kevin a check for $500 in recognition of his own actions for impeachment.

    The two other finalists were The History of Nixon and the Future of Cheney by peacetakescourage, and Ghost of Nixon by headzup. Honorable Mention goes to Dump Dick by eblumrich, who qualified as a finalist but withdrew. And Special Mention goes to Comeuppance by citizentwain, which was submitted too late to make the finals but would have qualified and is an excellent animation.

    We’d like to thank everybody who participated in the contest. We hope you had fun and would love to hear your suggestions for other creative ways to spread the message of impeachment using these videos!


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