Endangered Orange-Breasted Falcons released into the wild in Belize

This video is from Belize. It says about itself:

Birds of Belize – Raptors

Turkey Vulture, Black Vulture, Common Black Hawk, Osprey, Roadside Hawk, Gray Hawk, Bat Falcon, Orange-Breasted Falcon, White-Tailed Kite, Laughing Falcon

From Wildlife Extra:

Six endangered Orange-Breasted Falcons released into the wild in Belize

July 2007. Six rare Orange-Breasted Falcons that were bred in captivity have been released for the first time into the wild in their traditional territory in Belize, in an attempt to bolster a small and isolated population thought to number fewer than 35 pairs in all of Central America.

Six chicks were placed in an artificial nest on a platform that provides a safe haven to the young birds as they learn to fly and hunt. Researchers will feed the birds until they are able to successfully pursue and capture prey on their own.

Belize’s biggest nature reserve threatened with illegal dam: here.

This video is about jaguars and other animals in Belize.

3 thoughts on “Endangered Orange-Breasted Falcons released into the wild in Belize

  1. Happy Birthday Belize Audubon – To commemorate their 40th Anniversary and the production of an Environmental Agenda 2008-2013, the Belize Audubon Society (BirdLife in Belize) will be hosting an Environmental Summit. The Summit will centre around the youth of Belize presenting essays they have written on key environmental issues affecting the country. All Belizean students are invited to compete in an essay competition. The essay is to give the Environmental Agenda 2008-2013, its topics and more importantly the concerns of the Belizean environment, relevance and meaning to the citizens of Belize. The essays are to be a reflection of students asking “why is this issue important or relevant to the Belizean Society?” The goal is for students to highlight the implications of the topics in the Environmental Agenda and how it makes them feel and think. To learn more click here.



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