Iraqis celebrate soccer victory against Australia

This is a video of an anti Dick Cheney in Australia rally in 2007; Maritime Union of Australia speaker.

From Associated Press:

Baghdad, July 14: Thousands of Iraqis poured into the street, dancing, chanting and firing shots into the air in celebration on Friday of the Asian Cup win over Australia, a country many here see as an occupation force.

Iraq stunned Australia with a 3-1 victory in the Group A match in Thailand, putting the pre-tournament favorite on the verge of a humiliating early exit from the competition.

Shortly after the referee blew the final whistle, sporadic gunfire could be heard in central Baghdad. People who had been glued to their television sets dashed into the streets of the capital to celebrate, a welcome reason to cheer for residents who live in daily fear of attacks and suffer from unemployment as high as 70 percent.

In Baghdad’s central neighbourhood of Karradah, hundreds of young men waved Iraqi flags and chanted slogans supporting their soccer team. …

“The game today was some kind of a challenge because we were playing with a country that has military presence here and at the same time a country known to have a strong team” said lawyer Mohammed al-Kharasani, 52.

“Regrettably, the Australian team played looking down to us since they are an occupying country.”

“Today’s game was a mixture of sports and politics,” said Fares Abdul-Latif, an Iraqi athletics teacher. “This game proves to the world that life is going on and so does sports in Iraq, despite all the wounds of war.”

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