Afghan demonstrations against US killing civilians continue

US soldier and Afghan civilian, cartoon

From Reuters:

Fresh anti-US protest over Afghan civilian deaths

Tuesday May 1, 02:15 PM

By Noor Rahman

JALALABAD, Afghanistan – Burning an effigy of U.S. President George W. Bush and chanting anti-U.S. slogans, hundreds of Afghans staged a third day of protests on Tuesday over the killing of civilians in a raid by U.S.-led forces.

The protesters were mostly university students in the eastern province of Nangarhar, where up to six civilians were killed.

They briefly blocked a main road into the provincial capital, Jalalabad, to protest the second killing of civilians in the region by U.S.-led coalition troops in less than two months.

Neighbours of the dead and Nangarhar officials said those killed in the raid on Sunday were civilians, including three women.

But the U.S. military said four were Taliban fighters and civilian casualties were a woman and a teenage girl killed in crossfire.

The students, protesting under tight police watch and a blazing sun, repeated calls made in previous protests for President Hamid Karzai to step down.

“Karzai should go. He has no power and he can’t serve us,” said one student, referring to Karzai’s repeated calls for Western troops to avoid civilian casualties when hunting militants.

See also here.

The US government has the habit of labeling more or less all people who oppose them, or whom they kill, in Afghanistan ‘Taliban’.

Wrong: Nangarhar is a bulwark of the Afghan Left, not of the Taliban.

Occupation and opium in Afghanistan: here.

Update on Canadian torture scandal in Afghanistan: here.

4 thoughts on “Afghan demonstrations against US killing civilians continue

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