Anti African American racism in German army

This video from Germany says about itself:

This video showing a German army instructor telling one of his soldiers to envision African-Americans in the Bronx while firing his machine gun was broadcast Saturday.

The video, coming after scandals involving photos of German soldiers posing with skulls in Afghanistan and the abuse of recruits by instructors, seemed likely to raise more questions about training practices in Germany’s conscript army.

Associated Press reports:

Racial Army Video Airs on German TV

Associated Press Writer

BERLIN — A German army instructor ordered a soldier to envision himself in the Bronx facing hostile African-Americans while firing his machine gun, a video that aired Saturday on national television showed.

The Bronx borough president demanded an apology from the German military and said the clip “indicates that bias and assumptions and racism is alive and well around the world.”

Coming after scandals involving photos of German soldiers posing with skulls in Afghanistan and the abuse of recruits by instructors, the video seemed likely to raise more questions about training practices in Germany’s conscript army.

See also here.

Sadly, indeed “racism is alive and well around the world”; including also in the United States armed forces.

Racism of disgraced ex US Republican politician Tom Delay: here.

Germany: state funeral for nazi Filbinger.

German troops in Afghanistan: here.

21 thoughts on “Anti African American racism in German army

  1. Send does Racist German soldiers to Irag so they can feel some heat. Germany was always known as a racist county. Last Summer I had to friends one was white and the other was black that went to Germany. I told my white friend don’t come back to America a racist and I told my black friend don’t come back an Uncle Tom. I would never visit Germany, neither my closest friends and family.


  2. good grief: just li9sten to the rap music, quite popular in Germany, and you hear the African American singer maligning his women his mother and anything female. any weleducated, decent German’s blood would boil over at the thought of it.

    Americans and especially the black segment of our society has to clean up their own act and become decent, honorable people before they can raise an accusation against anybody.


  3. To #4 Karin: so if some rap musicians (not mentioned at all in the blog post which started this thread) make lyrics you may not like, that is an excuse for racism, including gun violence, against completely unrelated African Americans?!?! Does not sound logical.


  4. 1st the blacks then the catholics next the university professors and students oh yeah then the jews …did I miss anyone the Nazi instructor failed to mention


  5. Racism is exsisting around all over the world including not only social economy but also army. One of my friends from recommended me this article and he said that army is very important to a country and the popular topic internationally is upholding the world peace.


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