Mediterranean spider survives mild Belgian winter

Marbled cellar spider with eggs, photo by by A. Verbruggen, Belgium

From Belgian daily Het Belang van Limburg:

The marbled cellar spider, a species from the Mediteranean region, found in 2001 for the first time in Antwerp harbour, has survived this winter in the open air.

This weekend, this has been discovered by the Belgian Arachnological Society ARABEL.

This is remarkable, as most spiders brought from elsewhere do not survive our climate.

British warming and false black widow spider here.

Spider classification: here.

Giant tarantula video: here.

Petallidae: here.

Spiders in Singapore: here.

4 thoughts on “Mediterranean spider survives mild Belgian winter

  1. Dear friend,

    On Thursday March 15th, the environment ministers from the G8, the world’s biggest contributors to climate change, will be meeting in Germany. The outcome of this meeting will play a critical role in determining the world’s response to global warming–and the fate of the planet.

    AVAAZ has been invited to attend this meeting to present our climate change petition. Help seize this opportunity to shape the G8’s agenda by signing the petition here:

    The G8 is a summit of world leaders from the “Group of 8” largest economies. Together, these countries account for 50% of global greenhouse gas emissions–the gasses that cause climate change. The full G8 summit is coming in June, but the agenda and outcome of this type of high-profile event is usually set far in advance–at meetings like this one of the Environment Ministers.

    This year, the president of the G8 is German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Her environment minister, Sigmar Gabriel, is in charge of the ministers meetings from March 15th-17th. And at 4 pm on Thursday the 15th, we have a personal meeting with Mr. Gabriel to present our petition for binding emissions targets to stop catastrophic climate change.

    Mrs. Merkel has indicated an interest in making climate change a top priority. With a significant global petition, we can make the case that the world is ready for aggressive leadership on climate change–and pave the way for truly historic commitments at the G8 summit this June.

    It’s a rare opportunity to have a global impact. Add your voice to the petition now:

    50,000 people from 131 countries have already demanded action. Our goal is to reach 100,000. Please sign the petition, forward this email to friends and family, and post the link on your blog–we only have a few days to make this statement count.

    If we add our voices together, now, 2007 can become the year we took the first step to save the world.

    With hope,

    Ricken, David, Iain, Lee-Sean, Galit, Graziela, and the whole AVAAZ team


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