Baby, more civilians, killed by NATO air strikes in Afghanistan

This video says about itself:

Children are among the wounded survivors of an Afghan wedding party that officials say was bombed by U.S.warplanes.

The bride was among dozens of casualties brought to the main hospital in Kandahar city.

Survivors spoke of carnage.

[Juma Khan, Mother Wounded]:
“Some have lost their legs and some have lost their heads, about 95 people are dead and 70 more wounded. Americans did this.”

Details of the incident in Shah Wali Kot district are still emerging. Reports suggest air strikes were launched after fighting erupted between Taliban insurgents and U.S. troops close to where the evening wedding was taking place.

Most of the dead are believed to be women and children. Scores of civilians have been killed in U.S. air strikes against militants this year leading to seething resentment against the presence of foreign troops and a rift between President Hamid Karzai and his Western backers.

Reuters reports:

Elder says five Afghans killed in air strike

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan – Western forces killed five Afghan civilians in an air strike in the southern province of Helmand, a tribal elder said on Monday.

The elder, Meera Jan, said civilian houses were hit in the attack. As well as the five people killed, four were wounded, he said.

A spokeswoman for NATO troops in Afghanistan said an air strike had been carried out in the Gereshk district of Helmand province late on Sunday but NATO forces were not involved.

Yeah right. It was the Grenadan air force [sarcasm off].

From the pro Bush Washington Times:

Bombing kills nine relatives in Afghanistan

Tue, 06/03/2007 – 05:24

JABAR, Afghanistan — A coalition air strike destroyed a mud-brick home after a rocket attack on a U.S. base, killing nine persons from four generations of an Afghan family including a 6-month-old, officials and relatives said yesterday.

3 thoughts on “Baby, more civilians, killed by NATO air strikes in Afghanistan

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  2. Pingback: NATO troops kill Afghan child | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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