New fish species discovered, roundscale spearfish

White marlinsFrom ScienceDaily:

New fish species is identified

DAVIE, Fla., Feb. 26 (UPI) — U.S. scientists say they have identified a new species of fish that closely resemble the threatened white marlin.

Researchers at Nova Southeastern University in Davie, Fla., and the school’s Guy Harvey Research Institute, say many fish believed to be white marlins might have been roundscale spearfish, which bear a close resemblance to the white marlin.

And that raises concerns about the remaining numbers of the threatened white marlin species.

A team of university and government scientists has confirmed the existence of the enigmatic billfish species closely resembling the heavily fished, overexploited white marlin.

That brings into doubt the future of the threatened white marlin, as recent population assessments might have been overestimated since the species is virtually indistinguishable from the previously unrecognized roundscale spearfish.

The discovery and its implications are detailed in the current issue of the journal Bulletin of Marine Science.

It turns out many fish identified as white marlin were actually a recently discovered look-alike species called the roundscale spearfish: here.

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