Syria: migration of rare bald ibis tagged electronically

Northern bald ibis as Egyptian hieroglyphFrom the BBC:

Three members of a bird species thought to be extinct in the Middle East until four years ago have been satellite tagged to aid conservation efforts.

Scientists will track the migration of the birds as they leave their breeding sites near Palmyra in south-east Syria.

The northern bald ibis was revered by the Egyptian Pharaohs and was once widespread across the Middle East, northern Africa and the European Alps.

There are now only 13 left in Syria and 100 breeding pairs in Morocco.

Three of the seven adults in Syria have been captured and tagged.

Scientists from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) and BirdLife Middle East hope to locate where the animals fly to for the winter and discover why so few birds come back.

They are expected to head south towards Saudi Arabia and Yemen, or even as far as Eritrea.

From the RSPB site:

Bedouin nomads and Syrian government rangers have been watching over the nests of Zenobia, named after Palmyra’s third century warrior queen, Sultan [“ruler” in Arabic] and Salam [“peace” in Arabic]. …

‘The low numbers and difficult terrain in Palmyra make this species particularly difficult to work with but its resilience so far suggests it has a future.

Other birds have been brought back from the brink and with the Syrian authorities backing our work we are hopeful that we can save this bird.’

Dr Gianluca Serra, Field Team Leader for BirdLife said, ‘Not only have we tagged the birds at last but we now have 13 ibises in Syria after the best breeding season yet.

Our chances of saving this bird now seems more than just a dream.’

See also here.

Bald ibis wintering grounds in Ethiopia: here.

Video on bald ibises in Syria: here.

And here.

White-winged flufftail in Ethiopia: here. And here.

2 thoughts on “Syria: migration of rare bald ibis tagged electronically

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  2. Pingback: North American shorebirds migration, video | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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