
This video is called What Gives the Morpho Butterfly Its Magnificent Blue?

Blogging on animals, peace and war, science, social justice, women’s issues, arts, and much more.

When I started blogging at ModBlog in January 2005, I wrote (and I will repeat it here, to prevent it from going down with, now in 2011, Blogsome):

Dear Kitty,

Welcome, to read the diary as I write.

Like Anne Frank 63 years ago, I am starting something while unable to predict how the world around me will evolve.

I hope this will be a many-sided diary. I hope I will be able to write much on new discoveries on ancient cultures; new poems; new paintings; new scientific discoveries in medicine, the lives of birds, and much more.

However, political and economic power being in the hands where they are now, I fear that I will have to write much on “four more years” of war in Iraq and elsewhere; rich getting richer and poor getting poorer; torture in Guantanamo Bay and elsewhere; environmental destruction by corporations and governments.

Still, I hope that I will also be able to report on people fighting against these phenomena; for a better, more peaceful and just world.

In chaos theory, there is the “butterfly effect“: a butterfly in the Amazon rain forest, flapping its wings, usually does not cause a storm far away, felling mighty trees.

However, in some unusual circumstances, it does.

May there be favourable circumstances for bloggers and others speaking truth to power! “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee”, as Muhammad Ali used to say.

So, dear Kitty, see you again!

756 thoughts on “About

  1. I came across your blog by accident as some might say. I just saw the headline saying “Dear Kitty” and I had to think about Anne Frank inmediatly so I sticked by your site and I like it a lot 🙂 You have really inspiring thoughts.
    Keep it going! Hugs from Germany!


  2. Pingback: Time for Awards! | The Reading Bud

  3. Thanks so much for following First Night History. I’ve been following you as First Night Design for some time but WP had cleverly managed to stop the email notifications (it’s happened before!). So I unfollowed and followed again as that seems to be the only reliable solution. I’m so glad to have you back on my radar, so to speak!


  4. Pingback: Record number of visits to my blog this October | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  5. Pingback: Liebster Award, thanks stellingsma2010! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  6. Thanks for visiting, likes and following Ace Breaking News any post is added directly to Facebook and our like page for Ace Worldwide News and shared on our groups. So hope it gets kudos it deserves. Real name is Ian.


  7. Hi Dear Kitty! I have the Very Inspiring Blogger Award completed now and have scheduled it to post at 8:00 A.M. Central Time US. Congratulations! I have nominated your blog back from last year. Sorry to have been so very late on this…but it had been a LONG year!! More about this nomination is at: http://wp.me/p2Oumz-BX


  8. Pingback: Real Neat Blog Award in 2015 | ♥ Blogging in 2015 ♥

  9. Dear Kitty (I hope this comment will go through, I’ve tried many times)
    I just discovered your blog and want to say how much I like it.
    I also discovered that you quoted extensively from my interview in the Guardian in 2013 and would like to ask you if there is a more private way to contact you? Here is the link to your blog that quoted me: https://dearkitty1.wordpress.com/2013/06/27/bank-worker-interviewed-on-bullying-bank-bosses/
    thank you!


  10. Hi
    I came across your blog about the film Pride, from 16th November. I was a member of London LGSM & agree with your comments. I was wondering where you got the picture of Mark with the Pinko Commie Queers banner, because I made the banner, along with my then partner, & would love to have a high res copy of the photo.


  11. Pingback: Blogging Challenge 101/Depth | ♥ Blogging in 2015 ♥

  12. Pingback: REAL NEAT BLOG AWARD: First award of 2015 from Dear Kitty | HalfEatenMind

  13. Pingback: Liebster Award | margosnotebook

  14. Pingback: THANK YOU! Versatile Blogger Award! | Scrubs and Stuff

  15. Pingback: 1 Year Blog Anniversary (Happy Birthday TRB) | The Reading Bud

  16. Pingback: Blog Tour Award, thank you Random Bytes From Life! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  17. Hi,

    Hi there,

    Many Thanks for the like at naturestimeline, I’m glad the post resonated with you and Thanks for sticking by me whilst I’ve been rather inactive.

    Best Wishes

    Tony William Powell


  18. Hi!
    How are you
    It seems you people who have a good heart, do not forget to visit my profile and follow me on his website and other accounts, you can visit my website https://percetakanexpres.wordpress.com/ there where you know the information – the information you need can you look at my website
    Thank you very much in advance


  19. Pingback: Real Neat Blog Award | Between Two Seas

  20. Been following you for over three years now and just want to say how much I appreciate the quality of your blog, I feel you give us all a real service in disseminating this valuable information. i often say to friends, i don’t need to read a newspaper, I just read this inspiring, erudite and informative blog which covers everything of interest and everything that matters. Congratulations on your amazing range of thought and interest, and for sharing it with us. many many thanks to you..


    • Dear Valerie,

      Thank you so much for this really special comment! I am privileged to have you among the readers of my blog.

      I don’t really ‘cover everything of interest’. On many days, I wish I could blog about this, or that, and I don’t have time 🙂 Being only one person, not scores of persons like at a small local newspaper, or thousands, like at Associated Press, or at the Murdoch empire.

      Thanks again, and all the best for you and your blog!


  21. Hi, I am currently assisting with a website for a group organizing to disband the Delta Police in Greece. I came across your photo of these fascists attacking students and would like to possibly use it on the site somewhere, but, before even considering that, I wish to know if that’s okay with you. Thanks!


  22. Pingback: Blogger Recognition Award, thank you Makayla! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  23. I am probably missing something right under my nose, but I can’t find where to click to follow your blog. Anyway, I just updated a tweet hoping to get people to read your great post on recent neo-facist mobilization in Germany.


  24. Pingback: Post #2,000 on this blog | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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