Coronavirus update, Europe

This 16 March 2020 video from London, England says about itself:

Protesters have held a demonstration outside 10 Downing Street to highlight what they believe is government inaction over the coronavirus.

The ‘Pause the System’ group accuse the government of ignoring the World Health Organisation and putting economic interests above the most vulnerable in society.

European governments plot return to work in midst of pandemic. By Thomas Scripps, 11 April 2020. As plans were being hatched over how to impose a return to work, over 4,000 new pandemic deaths were reported in Europe on Friday, bringing the total for the continent to over 70,000.

Spanish government to force workers in non-essential industries back-to-work: here.

German hospitals become COVID-19 hotspots for health care workers. By Markus Salzmann, 11 April 2020. According to the Robert Koch Institute, more than 2,300 doctors and nurses have been infected with coronavirus in Germany.

Amid COVID-19 pandemic, Turkish government steps up attacks on workers. By Ulas Atesci, 11 April 2020. President Erdoğan has made clear that his priority is maintaining production, exports and high profits, despite a surge of COVID-19 cases in the factories.

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