Michael Brown’s death and right-wing propaganda, Mark Fiore animation

This video by Mark Fiore from the USA says about itself:

Who Killed Michael Brown?

8 December 2014

It seems that everyone but Darren Wilson is responsible for the death of Michael Brown. It’s Michael Brown’s fault, black-on-black violence is at fault, it’s a culture of disrespect and lawbreaking that’s at fault, take your pick. Perhaps the best spew of logic came from Rudy Giuliani, who essentially said, if you black people didn’t kill yourselves so much we wouldn’t have to send so many white cops down there to kill you as well.

State Rep. Karla May says St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch “manipulated” the grand jury in the Ferguson, Mo., case to clear a white officer in the shooting death of unarmed, black teen Michael Brown.

Ferguson Prosecutor Admits Letting Liar Testify Before Darren Wilson Grand Jury: here.

A Startling Admission By The Ferguson Prosecutor Could Restart The Case Against Darren Wilson: here.

20 December 2014: At least 73 people were taken into custody on Friday during a protest against police brutality in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

6 thoughts on “Michael Brown’s death and right-wing propaganda, Mark Fiore animation

    People of Conscience Condemn the Unacceptable NYC
    #BlueLivesMatter Pro-Cop Rally
    Friday, Dec 19th

    To sign on as an individual or as an organizational endorser:
    Please email imani@peoplespowerassemblies.org
    RSVP on FB facebook.com/events

    We as community leaders, family members, clergy, people of conscience join together to say NO to the ‘Thank you NYPD’, racist pro-police brutality mobilization in NYC December 19th 2014.

    The provocative demonstration callously called ‘Thank you NYPD’, using the hashtag #BlueLivesMatter, is set for City Hall on Friday, December 19. This is insulting and disrespectful to families who have either lost loved ones to police murders and people who have survived police brutality. In fact, also on December 19, at the same time, only blocks away from this pro-police brutality rally, the family of 18-year old Ramarley Graham — murdered in his Bronx home by NYPD Officer Richard Haste on February 2, 2012 — will be holding a rally to demand that the Department of Justice convene a grand jury hearing for his case.

    We believe this pro-police demonstration is cause of great concern to millions of people across the country who have been in the streets protesting against racism, white supremacy and police violence. After all it is not police officers who are shot down every 28 hours in the U.S. but this alarming statistic is the daily reality for Black people in the United States.

    We believe this pro-police brutality mobilization is a dangerous threat to communities of color already under attack due to police occupation. We see this mobilization of largely armed off-duty and plain-clothes police and their supporters as an effort to whip up violence against people who have peacefully mobilized in the streets for the past several months all across the country.

    If the organizers of this pro-police brutality rally go through with their hateful and insulting event and mobilize scores of right-wing and fascistic elements then they and they alone are solely responsible for inciting a climate of violence. The vast majority of posts and comments on ‘Thank you NYPD’ Facebook and Twitter pages for this event confirm its racist and anti-protester intent. The seven-hour police rally from 5pm to midnight is an ominous siege of City Hall.

    We understand that this pro-police rally in NYC is part of a national campaign on social media on Dec. 19 to turn the issue of police murders on its head and present the well-armed attackers and killers as helpless victims. The NYPD has already begun a political witch hunt to try to justify suppressing the massive protests by targeting seven activists for arrests at the march on the Brooklyn Bridge on Dec. 13, claiming that they attacked armed detectives.

    Millions of people around the world saw the video of Eric Garner, a loving father of six children, say “I can’t breathe” as he was choked to death by NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo. We believe to talk about “Blue Lives Matter” after continual and well-documented police atrocities is to support racist violence.

    We along with many New Yorkers remember all too well the 1992 police rally where thousands of cops rallied in a racist and intimidating attack upon Mayor David Dinkins. It was the launching pad for the ugly climate that surrounded Rudolph Giuliani’s rise to mayor. Even the New York Times admitted that “Beer-drinking officers broke through barricades to rush the steps of City Hall; others blocked traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge and used racial epithets to describe the Mayor.” (Sept. 30, 1992)

    Afterwards two drunken cops assaulted and seriously injured a young Black man on the J train. We fully believe that this racist pro-police brutality, #BlueLivesMatter rally scheduled for this Friday, Dec. 19 threatens more violence on communities of color of New York.

    In the face of this ominous threat we cannot be silent. We urge all people deeply disturbed by the ongoing police occupation and militarization of communities of color, as well as the escalation of police violence to do the following on Dec. 19th:

    Please sign on to this statement as an organization or individual endorser and circulate it nationally.
    To sign on as an individual or as an organizational endorser
    please email imani@peoplespowerassemblies.org
    RSVP on FB facebook.com/events/1511165272495912/

    We ask New York residents to gather around City Hall in NYC at 5pm on Friday, December 19 with a message of solidarity, unity and justice. We ask people to counter this shameful pro-police brutality rally social media with anti-police brutality messages such as the demand to end “Broken Windows” – a racist, anti-poor peoples policy that led to the murder of Eric Garner.

    We ask people to use the hashtags :
    #NoThankYouNYPD #BlackLivesMatter
    and #ThisStopsToday along with others.

    We ask for solidarity rallies at city halls and police precincts across the U.S. and around the world, as our sisters and brothers in London, England have called.

    We urge legal observers and media activists to mobilize in NYC on Friday to protect our communities against the potential racist and right-wing provocations of these pro-police brutality protesters.

    We urge trade unions and social formations to respond to defend communities under continuing police attack.

    Once again, we call upon all people of conscience to protest a racist pro-police brutality mobilization of armed off-duty cops and their supporters that threatens further violence in New York City.

    Join us in Unity on Friday, Dec 19 @ 5 pm
    at City Hall to say NO to Racism!
    NO to police impunity!




    Endorsers in formation as December 18th 3:17am

    CAAAV/Organizing Asian Communities
    DRUM – South Asian Organizing Center
    Equality for Flatbush
    Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition (NYC)
    Guyanese American Workers United
    May 1st Coalition for Worker and Immigrant Rights
    New Yorkers Against Bratton
    Pakistan USA Freedom Forum
    Peoples Power Assemblies


    Frank Leon Roberts, Co-Founder, National Black Justice Coalition
    Reverend Osagyefo Sekou
    Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark
    ABear, Radio Host, Pinko the Bear Show, IWW
    Alexia Filpo, CUNY student
    Cathy Zeitz, Manhattan, NY
    Chazz Giovanni, Fine Arts Acting Student
    Christina Borel, LCSW, LICSW, Sacramento,CA
    Crysbel Tejada, Freedom / Land Defender, New York
    Daniel Ismael Aguilar, M.Div. Candidate, Union Theological Seminary, Manhattan
    Dayann Molina McDonough, Police Accountability Activist
    Emma Hartung, Student, Manhattan, NY
    Lucy Parks, Queens, NY
    McKenzie Angelo, High School Teacher, Artist, Brooklyn, NY
    Mia Anderson, Brooklyn, NY
    Monica Thompson, Social Worker, Writer,
    Patrick Arthur, Writer, Manhattan, NY
    Sasha K Hippard, Artist & Butcher, Brooklyn, NY
    Sonia Choi, Fine Art Student & Organizer, The New School
    Sue Harris, Co-Director, Peoples Video Network
    Tajh Sutton, Young People of Color Inc. Brooklyn, NY
    Tess Raser, School Teacher, Brooklyn,NY
    Brenda Stokely, Million Worker March Movement
    Monica Moorehead, International Working Women’s Coalition


  2. Pingback: Michael Brown killed, racist false testimony presented | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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