Occupy Wall Street movement, beyond New York

This video from the USA says about itself:

700 Arrested on Brooklyn Bridge as Occupy Wall Street Enters Third Week, Protests Grows Nationwide

The Occupy Wall Street protest, now in its third week, has struck a powerful chord throughout the US, with similar occupations developing in Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles and other cities and towns across the country: here.

Occupy Wall Street Mass Arrest Resembles Infamous, Costly Police Tactic, Critics Say: here.

Occupy Wall Street protesters sue NYC over Brooklyn Bridge arrests, alleging entrapment: here.

Amy Goodman: Policing the Prophets of Wall Street: here.

Occupy America: The Nation Wants Your Photos of Local Occupy Wall Street Protests: here.

“Occupy Boston” has been set up in response to the Wall Street protests in New York, with about 200 people camping out overnight in the city’s financial district: here.

An anti-Wall Street encampment outside Los Angeles City Hall has been underway for several days, inspired by the Occupy Wall Street protests in New York: here.

With US student loan debt just under $950 billion, only 37 percent of young people with student loans are actually able to repay them on schedule: here.

Trade unionists and community activists joined the Occupy Wall Street protest today: here.

How you can help Occupy Wall Street protesters: here.


4 thoughts on “Occupy Wall Street movement, beyond New York

  1. NYC Labor Against the War: 10.4 Occupy Wall Street Report


    Weds., 3 p.m: Shut Down Wall Street
    Meet at Liberty Square, NYC. March at 4 p.m. to Community/Labor March in Foley Square (below)

    Weds., 4:30 p.m.: Community/Labor March to Wall Street
    New Location: Foley Square, Duane St and Centre St (outside 26 Federal Plaza)


    Occupy Wall Street Labor Support/Outreach Working Group
    The following unions and labor organizations have expressed their support for Occupied Wall Street. Also: Labor Support/Outreach contact info.

    Occupy Wall Street: List of Supporting Labor Organizations

    Unions endorse, will join Occupy Wall Street protests
    “It’s really simple. These young people on Wall Street are giving voice to many of the problems that working people in America have been confronting over the last several years,” Larry Hanley, international president of the Amalgamated Transit Union, which has 20,000 member in the New York area, told CNN.

    Protesters Drawing Support From Unions
    ‎”Our bus operators are working-class people who are raising children in New York City and by and large they support the protest,” said Mr. Samuelsen, the TWU president. “They’re not going to press our members into service and thrust them onto the wrong side of this protest without a fight from our union.”

    U.S. anti-corporate movement expands
    In a sign that the movement is gaining traction, some of New York’s biggest labour unions have now joined protestors (or are planning to join later this week). The city’s 38,000-member transit union pledged its support and is planning to encourage members to join the street demonstrations early next week. Unions representing teachers, doormen, security guards, maintenance workers, postal workers, healthcare workers, and other labour sectors have also pledged support and hinted at future involvement.

    Wall Street protest movement spreads to cities across US, Canada and Europe
    Unions have have also expressed solidarity with the protests. On Monday, the Transit Workers Union said it had applied for an injunction to stop the NYPD from forcing bus drivers to carry arrested OWS demonstrators. On Tuesday the 700,000-strong Communication Workers of America endorsed OWS, describing it as an “appropriate expression of anger for all Americans, but especially for those who have been left behind by Wall Street”.

    Unions Join Occupy Wall Street
    “We’re a pretty mainstream blue-collar union,” says spokesman Jim Gannon. “We view the protests as young people who are articulating the same kind of things that we’ve been trying to articulate.”


    Occupy Wall Street – Alan Taylor – In Focus – The Atlantic
    In New York City’s Financial District, hundreds of activists have been converging on Lower Manhattan over the past two weeks, protesting as part of an “Occupy Wall Street” movement.

    We Are All Human Microphones Now | The Nation
    It’s people-powered, no-tech, lo-fi and astonishingly slow. But the human microphone, an adaptation to New York’s laws against amplified sound, may be Occupy Wall Street’s secret weapon.

    Occupy Wall Street Media
    A media collective affiliated with Occupy Wall Street producing free printed material about the movement for the general public.

    Protesters’ Newspaper Occupies a Familiar Name
    ‘The next issue of the Occupied Wall Street Journal is set to be published Thursday and will include coverage of Wednesday’s anticipated union-backed rallies and planned walkouts at some public high schools. Future issues will include a section dedicated to covering other “Occupy Wall Street”-inspired protests sprouting up elsewhere.

    CNN’s Factcheck Failure on Occupy Wall Street
    Please tell CNN’s OutFront that Erin Burnett’s factcheck of Occupy Wall Street needs factchecking.

    General Assembly Guide | NYC General Assembly
    The General Assembly Guide is a good introduction to the NYC General Assembly and the occupation of Wall St in Zuccotti Park a.k.a. Liberty Plaza.


    Occupy Colleges 10/5/11

    Occupy Wall Street rallies headed to Wisconsin – JSOnline
    Organizers in Milwaukee, Madison and Appleton are planning rallies Oct. 15 as part of an International Day of Action in support of the protests.

    Occupy Wall Street / Solidarity in San Diego – Infoshop News
    Occupy San Diego is standing in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street in NYC, and will begin a peaceful civil disobedience protest of the global financial corruption currently invading politics, media and corporations, by occupying an open public space in downtown San Diego indefinitely.

    Occupy Baltimore
    Occupy Baltimore begins Tuesday October 4th at 12:00 noon. Location: McKeldin Square at the corner of Light and Pratt St. It’s a public space and open to all. Come out and join us, we’ll be there…indefinitely.

    Occupy LA Day 3: Sign Here!
    A huge round of applause went up and continued as the speaker introduced Vincent from Occupy Wall Street. Vincent informed the crowd of almost 200 that the Occupy Movement was now in 70 cities.

    ‘Occupy Seattle’ protesters ordered to move tents or face arrest
    Seattle Police gave an ultimatum to members of the “Occupy Seattle” protest group Tuesday — either move their tents from public property or be arrested.

    Community stands with ILWU as EGT hires ‘private army’ | The Stand
    Last Thursday, Sept. 29, on a beautiful fall evening in the park in front of Longview’s Monticello Hotel, 800 to 1,000 community and labor supporters raised their voices in support of International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 21.


    Support 99% from Tahrir Square ……. to protesters in USA

    Egypt’s labour rebellion gains pace
    Workers in Egypt can show the way, and at crucial points, may well be able to play a role in giving much-needed support to embattled struggles elsewhere. The more confident, well organised and class conscious the Egyptian workers are, the more the hopes and aspirations of millions around the Arab world will stand a chance of fulfilment in the face of counter-revolution.

    Concern for Egyptian hunger-strike blogger
    Supporters fear Mikael Nabil’s continuing detention amounts to “death sentence” for jailed blogger.

    Egypt-US activists’ pledge of solidarity – Blog – The Arabist
    The United States has the largest empire in global history, with more than 1,100 military bases and outposts around the world. America has supported military rule in Egypt, and attempted to put in power Mubarak’s carefully groomed heir Omar Suleiman despite his record of participation in torture and other crimes.

    100,000+ rally against austerity in Portugal — in pictures | Reflections on a Revolution ROAR
    Enormous anti-austerity rallies shake crisis-stricken Portugal, with organizers estimating an attendance of at least 130,000 people in Lisbon and 50,000 in Porto.


  2. Oct 5, 9:07 AM EDT

    Wall Street protest expected to widen

    Associated Press

    NEW YORK (AP) — The protests on Wall Street, the fabled center of American commerce, are expected to swell with reinforcements as more groups head toward lower Manhattan, widening the scope of the ongoing demonstrations.

    Among those planning to join the clamor on Wednesday are the liberal group MoveOn.org and community organizations like the Working Families Party and United NY. The growing crowd will also include members of the Chinatown Tenants Union and the Transit Workers Union, signaling that a protest that started out small is showing no signs of losing steam. Meanwhile, organizers have called for students at college campuses across the nation to walk out of class in protest at 2 p.m.

    “I think they’re capturing a feel of disempowerment, feeling like nobody is listening to them,” said Camille Rivera, executive director of United NY. “What do you do when no one is listening to you? You speak up, you take action.”

    The groups will embark on yet another march, this one from city hall to Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan, the unofficial headquarters where protesters have been camped out in sleeping bags. It’s unclear how many people will be joining the march on Wednesday, but some organizers say thousands could show up.

    MoveOn.org is planning a “virtual march” on its website by encouraging people to post photos of themselves with the caption: “I’m the 99 percent” – a reference to those people not among the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans and the debate over whether they should be taxed more. The group’s executive director, Justin Ruben, called the protesters “brave young people” who have successfully inspired others to join them.

    “From our perspective, we’re protesting kind of the greed that led to the collapse of our economy,” Ruben said. “The fact that these banks aren’t paying their fair share.”

    Many of those who work on Wall Street say they don’t take the protests personally. Indeed, some even sympathize.

    “It’s really incredible to me, the passion and conviction these people have,” said Lou Crossin, who works for a company that sells corporate governance research to large investors. “I don’t think these are violent people. They’re just standing up for their beliefs.”

    Crossin said the protesters – with their chanting in unison, leafleting and drum circles – reminded him of the lyrics of a song from his youth by Jefferson Airplane: “Look what’s happening out in the streets. Got a revolution.”

    He wasn’t the only one to feel that way. Sam Schmidt, a criminal defense attorney who walks by the park every day, said the protests took him back to when he was a college student in 1970 and went to Washington, D.C., to oppose the war in Vietnam.

    “I’m 60 years old. I lived through the `60s and the `70s, and this is nothing. I think it is well-behaved. We’ve got a few crazies, but we have a few crazies here (in New York) anyway,” he said. “It’s just reminiscent of my youth.”

    AP National Writer Adam Geller contributed to this report.

    © 2011 The Associated Press.


  3. Fight Back and Make History

    Dear Friend,

    People young and old are taking the streets to let our government and corporations know that we are a democracy that’s not for sale.

    The Occupy Wall Street protest is a full bore international indictment against corporate greed and dysfunctional government.

    Will you use our inspiring video and images to activate and motivate a friend? We want everyone to know about the Occupy movement. Already, there are thousands of protesters in New York City and hundreds more in Los Angeles, Boston, Washington DC, Seattle, Miami and elsewhere.

    The time is now. Protests are growing more each day, with some observers estimating the Occupy movement could swell to 250,000 online activists in the coming days.

    Watch our video, then add your voice to the protest near you.

    Democracy requires the wisdom of crowds.

    Robert Greenwald
    and the Brave New Foundation team

    P.S. I invite you to join me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter.


  4. Abolish Capitalism, Fight for Socialism

    In the Spirit of Troy Davis “Dismantle this unjust system”


    The struggle to build a fight back against capitalism and for a socialist future is the theme of the Workers World Party conference this weekend in the South Bronx. Many of the participants have also been part of Occupy Wall Street.

    This revolutionary conference will take up: understanding the global capitalist crisis from a Marxist perspective, fighting racism and imperialist wars, as well as a tribute to death row hero Troy Davis.

    Conference organizers have enthusiastically shifted plans to include taking time to go to Wall Street to join the occupation. WWP strongly operates under the firm conviction that revolutionary theory is part of the living struggle in order to pose a real challenge to the capitalist system.

    Workers World organizers are urging conference participants coming in from around the country as well as New Yorkers to join the Friday, Oct 7, 5 p.m. March across the Brooklyn Bridge to Wall Street, organized by the Haitian Community under the slogan Don’t Occupy Haiti! Occupy Wall Street!

    The Conference is scheduled to open at 9 a.m. in the South Bronx at the Paul Robeson Auditorium at East 140th St and Morris Ave. A day of discussing the global crisis and how to fight for peoples immediate needs will be mixed with understanding the fight for a socialist future in workshops and panels.

    On Saturday evening at 7 p.m., participants will take the #4 train directly to the Wall Street subway stop to again join in Solidarity with the Occupation.

    The conference will reconvene on Sunday morning at 9:30. It will close at 1:30 in order to enable activists from around the county to join the Wall Street Occupation. A Socialist Solidarity delegation will head to the #4 train down to Wall Street with food and materials.

    The WWP National conference is dedicated to the revolutionary internationalist Che Guevara, who was martyred on Oct 8, 1967. Besides paying tribute to Guevara and Troy Davis, the conference will also honor the great actor and activist, Paul Robeson.


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