Poverty in India

This video from the USA is called Half the World’s Poor Live in South Asia.

According to an Oxford University study, 55 percent of India’s population of 1.1 billion, or 645 million people, are living in poverty. Using a newly-developed index, the study found that about one-third of the world’s poor live in India: here.

Why is an impoverished nation like India forking out £700m on military equipment?

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3 thoughts on “Poverty in India

  1. Pingback: More austerity in Greece and Cyprus | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Every day, millions of children in India wake up to long hours of back-breaking labor, working everywhere from stone quarries to carpet factories to rice mills.

    Thankfully, the Indian Parliament is considering legislation called the “Child and Adolescent Labour Abolition Bill,” which would put an end to the enslavement of children – but it risks not passing without a demonstration of worldwide public support.

    Please call on the Indian Parliament to abolish child slavery.

    Thanks for all you do!

    Bob Fertik

    Walk Free: The Movement to End Modern Slavery

    Dear Activist,

    Every day, millions of children in India wake up to long hours of back-breaking labor, working everywhere from stone quarries to carpet factories to rice mills.

    These children – some as young as 5 years-old – are kept from school and forced to work 7 days a week for up to 18 hours a day in hazardous situations that leave them permanently injured or crippled by heavy loads and dangerous equipment.

    Due to these working conditions, many child laborers suffer from respiratory disorders or develop chronic pain.

    Thankfully, the Indian Parliament is considering legislation called the “Child and Adolescent Labour Abolition Bill,” which:

    1) prohibits employment of children under 14 years of age,

    2) outlines harsh sentences for violators, and

    3) provides for monitoring of suspected cases of child slavery.

    Please call on the Indian Parliament to abolish child slavery.

    This legislation would put an end to the enslavement of children in India, but it risks not passing without a demonstration of mass public support.

    Sadly, the Indian Parliament missed their opportunity to pass the “Child and Adolescent Labour Abolition Bill” in late 2012.

    With the fate of millions of children at stake, it is appalling that politicians in India have delayed the passage of a bill that would abolish child slavery in their country.

    Please call on the Indian Parliament to pass the “Child and Adolescent Labour Abolition Bill.

    Thank you,

    Debra, Hayley, Jacqui, Nick, Jess, Mich, Amy, Jessica and the Walk Free team

    PS: Stay up to date with the latest information on the movement to end #modernslavery – https://twitter.com/walkfree

    Walk Free is a movement of people everywhere, fighting to end one of the world’s greatest evils: Modern slavery.


  3. Pingback: German meat industry scandal | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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