Economic crisis update

The International Labour Organization (ILO) warned Tuesday that global growth in workers’ real wages, which fell sharply in 2008, will decline even more in 2009, despite what is being touted by governments around the world as an economic recovery: here.

Bailout Financial Crisis, cartoon

Workers in the US are increasingly giving up on the idea of retiring at 65, or even 67, while top CEOs are planning to quit their positions and live like royalty: here.

Petrino DiLeo reports that executive bonuses on Wall Street are back to their pre-crisis levels–courtesy of the federal government: here.

A Michigan woman died from a severe dental infection after adult dental Medicaid benefits were cut in the state: here.

The higher education sector in Scotland is facing hundreds of job cuts, as universities declare they are facing a funding crisis: here.

England: Tube workers have besieged London Underground’s HQ in protest at an “obscene” 10-to-one difference between workers’ and bosses’ pay: here.

Left MPs have condemned a cynical Whitehall plot to quietly continue letting Britain’s biggest Rolls-Royce scroungers dodge billions in taxes through offshore banking: here.

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