Poverty kills United States children

This video is called Child Poverty Has Risen to 16 Million in the United States of America.

Another video from the USA which used to be on the Internert used to say about itself:

When it comes to Americans without health insurance, many of them are children. But in a surprising twist, many of those uninsured children are from families where at least one parent does have health insurance.

Lack of health insurance may have caused or directly contributed to the deaths of nearly 17,000 children in the United States over the past two decades, a new study has found: here.

Here’s a somewhat surprising result from the new Fox News poll. Asked which president is “more responsible for the current state of the economy,” only 18 percent say President Obama. Fifty-eight percent say former President George W. Bush. Nine percent blame both of them. Republicans are the only subgroup of voters who blame Obama, and only by a six-point margin of 35 percent to 29 percent: here.

3 thoughts on “Poverty kills United States children

  1. Poverty influences children’s behaviour

    PESHAWAR: Take children out of poverty, and they become less likely to exhibit behaviour problems, according to new study findings.

    Moving families out of poverty was followed by a reduction in children’s behavioural symptoms, according to the researchers at Duke University Medical School in Durham, North Carolina, USA, BBC radio reported.

    They obtained their findings by following a “natural experiment,” in which a certain percentage of the families of 1,420 children living in western North Carolina changed their income levels midway through the study.

    When the study began, the researchers tested psychiatric symptoms in the children, 68 per cent of whom were living in poverty – then repeated the tests every year for 8 years. – APP



  2. Pingback: More child poverty in the USA | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Pingback: Forty five million poor people in the USA | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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